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Liam don't have to invite the girl into his normal hotel room as she follow behind him quietly . Tossing his small bag on the floor , he makes his way towards his bed before he sits down on it .

" You can sit here too . " he don't want to looks like he is trying to do something with her but she looks tired .

" I'm fine . " just like Liam expected .

" So , what's your name ? " she seems hesitate to answer .

" Christy . "

" Last name ? " she shake her head .

" I hated my last name . " and Liam could sense hatred in her tone .

" But why ? " who would hate their last name ?

" Because I hated the person that give it to me . " Liam couldn't understand what she is trying to say .

" Uh , are you adopted ? " that could be the reason why . Maybe she hated her adopted parents .

" I wish I was adopted so I would not share the same bloodline with those monsters . " he just don't get it . How could someone hated their blood parents so much ?

" Are you having fights your parents ? " the reality start to strucks him .

" That's it . You are having fight with your parents and you decided to run away . " the girl didn't reply so he assumed that he is right .

" I understand some parents could be stricts and fierce but they do all that because they are trying to protect you . " out of nowhere , the girl chuckles .

" Only if you know what they really are , you will change your mind and never look back . " Liam end up getting more confused .

" What have they done ? " he is more serious right now .

The girl shakes her head , looks mocking for Liam because she seems to know more than he did .

" If I tell you , you will end up getting hunt down like me . " his eyes widen .

" How is that .. "

" Possible ? You don't know what people cape-able of doing when they have lost their minds . "

" Enlighten me then . " his curiousity is getting worst .

" Don't ask for something you can't handle . " that doesn't makes him want to stop .

" Christy .. "

" You are a random guy who decided that it was okay to kiss a stranger , not some superheros . Telling you won't change anything . " there is a hope inside her eyes but she put it off herself by saying that .

It's like she don't trust in miracle even her heart wanted to do so .

" I saved your life . So I deserve to know . " Liam insisted .

" This is not Call of Duty . You can't replay the game once you are dead . " she reminds him .

" Why are you making this seems like it is a life and death situation ? Who is that men and why they are chasing you ? " she looks away , biting her lips .

" At least give me a reason to makes me feels better for kissing you and admitted you are my girl when I have a girlfriend waiting for me back in my country . " she quickly snapped her head back towards Liam .

" You have a girlfriend ? " Liam nodded .


He has a girlfriend and here she is , forcing him to kiss her only to save her life . That makes her feel much more worst than she is with herself right now .

" Now tell me . " she can't risk his life more than she is right now .

" I should leave . " she don't know where she is heading but she knows she couldn't stay .

" No . " he is quick in her opinion as he grab her hand , holding her still .

" What's your name ? " she asked , feeding her curiosity of the mystery man .

" Wait , you don't know me ? " he seems shocked with her question .

" Should I ? " she is wondering if he is some sort of celebrities .

But if he is one , he should has some sort of security team with him but now all Christy saw is him alone .

" I'm Liam . Liam Payne . " he raised an eyebrow , like expecting her to know him out of nowhere .

" Never heard of that before . " but yet again , she has no time to social or update herself with the entertainment world .

" Okay . " his hand is warm as it keep touching her exposed skin .

" Look Liam , for what I see , you are a good guy and I don't think you deserve to get involves with this mess . " the mess that she is borned with . The mess that she is created with .

" What now ? Are you going to just leave ? " she nodded . For her , it's better this way .

" And you'll never hear about me again . " she promised herself that .

" You don't just come into my life , middle of the night , pull me to hide at the corner before kissed me , give a little hint about your situation and decided to leave at the end ? It's not fair for me to keep hanging . " she found his babbling is adorable but she knows that it will all be over once he finds out the truth .

He will run away . Just like everybody else .

" Fine . " she gave up , earning some victory smile from Liam .

" The men that is chasing me is my cousin and his team . " she started , looking for any reaction .

" Your cousin ? "

" He worked for my parents . My parents is a researcher , hired to find a way to re-design DNA to much stronger army and bad luck , they found one . " Liam remain with the blank face .

" The advantage is they are faster , stronger and smarted than normal human beings but the disadvantage is they have no feelings at all . It's like the humanity has been destroyed and they forget the memory of their past . " Liam's eyes widen .

" How could that happened ? "

" To do the DNA changes surgery , they have to be kill first before they are bring back to life . When they are awake , they are like a baby with no memories . My parents took that chances to implant a specific order in their mind . " Liam waited for her to continue .

" They will only takes order from my parents and my parents only . Let's just say that my parents kinda use that for their benefit . "

" Then you decided to ran away from the madness ? " she nod .

" First because what they do is wrong and they are planning for something worst and second .. " she paused , couldn't believe that she would say this out loud .

" And second ? "

" I'm the first subject test that fail to do their orders . "

Famous Stranger (  Book 5 )Where stories live. Discover now