Chapter Thirteen: Vicissitude

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Even if it was impossible for Zayn Malik to be there, I still had to check, because a part of me couldn't help expecting it. It would be just like him, persistent and arrogant and stubborn as a mule.


LaylaBelle, are you alright? You've been staring into space for five minutes.

I grimaced at the note Danielle passed me during Maths, our last class for the day. I scrawled back, Yeah, I'm fine. Just tuning out, before resuming my less-than-absent state. Today was Thursday; a week had passed since my visit to Jade's house. I'd been careful to place that memory out of my mind, concentrating on other things instead. My resolve was made easier by the fact that I hardly saw 1D around the school. Whenever I did see them (and fortunately Niall was never with the other four), I slipped away as quickly as I could. I couldn't really deal with all this drama anymore.

But I had to admit, normal life was sort of mundane.

"Layla," said Danielle suddenly as we walked out of class after the final bell, "I think I have to tell you... that I have a boyfriend."

That effectively brought me out of my stupor; I snapped my gaze towards her. "What? Since when? And why did you never tell me?" I demanded.

She smiled sheepishly and it was adorable; it wasn't very surprising that she had guys chasing after her.

"Well, it's only been a fortnight," she explained, "We met around that time. I was standing in the shopping mall, trying to decide between getting a new handbag or this beautiful cashmere scarf. And I was just thinking, 'Hey, I should get both!' when I realise a boy's been staring at me for the past five minutes." She chuckled giddily and I had to grin.

"He goes red when I spot him looking, and he walks over and admits that he found my indecision between the scarf and the bag really fascinating and cute. And then he asked me if I was free... and we went to the movies. And the rest, as they say, is history."

"Oooh, and you always tease me," I said mirthfully, happy for her, "Don't tell me he's the one who bought you the Range rover evoque."

"No, he's not a rich boy," Danielle said blithely, "That was from my parents - AH!"

Danielle hadn't been watching where she was going and consequently hadn't realised we'd reached the top of the staircase. She was just about to step right over the edge when someone (my reflexes weren't quick enough to save her) grabbed her arm from behind and yanked her back to safety.

"Are you alright?" said a muted voice.

We both looked around and I exclaimed, "Liam!"

Danielle stared wide-eyed at her saviour as Liam Payne looked solemnly at her, releasing her arm. "You should watch where you're going next time," he said simply and she nodded in a sort of daze. I hid a grin; any one of 1D when they were that close to you tended to scramble your thoughts.

"But what are you doing here?" I asked him wonderingly.

Liam turned to me, "I came to get you. We're going to go see Ariana off this afternoon and she said she was expecting you to be there."

It took me a moment to process these words. "She's leaving? Today?" I repeated.

He nodded, "Louis driving us to the airport. Are you coming?"

"Oh... I don't know," I said, hesitating. Ariana had said she was expecting me - that must mean she wasn't angry, right? But did I really have the courage to face her and Niall already? I felt my dormant fears awakening again.

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