Stabbings and smiles

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My smile couldn't get any wider. I was with Blue, at café Criminal. With our usual coffee, we talked. And talked and talked and talked. It was fun. She was so amazing. I couldn't get over her, and who she was. She was the one. I felt it in my bones.

"So, Blue. Favourite colour?" I asked, still wanting to know everything.

"Hmmmm. Black and blue." She replied. A smile crept onto my face.

"Don't you mean white and gold?" I laughed. She looked annoyed for a slight second before bursting into laughter. She had my sense of humour.

I don't know what it was about her, I just felt different around her. Like I wasn't mad or 'clinically insane'. I wasn't insane anymore. I'd been off the meds for weeks, and no way was I going to have to be back on them, ever.

"Tell me one thing that not many people know."

"Well. If you hear this, you probably aren't going to want to be my friend anymore..." I trailed, not sure weather I should share the insane secret yet.

"Oh come on Ethan! I like you, for you. And nothing is going to change that. Not even if you told me you were a murderous, cold blooded killed." She joked. We ended up in laugher once more.

"No really. I'm not sure weather I should..." Blue took my hand, and intertwined it with hers.

"I promise you Ethan. Anything." She smiled at me.

"I was diagnosed 'clinically insane' a few months ago. I've been off my meds for weeks though and.. a..and." I stumbled through the last of my sentence. Blue just looked at me, squeezing my hand.

"I don't care. Ethan, that's just something that makes you a little bit more unique."


"Yes really!"

"Thank God. I thought you'd run for the hills like the other girls I've told..."

"Idiots. Why would they do that? Ethan. I'm going to be honest with you. Now we haven't really known each other for that long, I mean this is our second time meeting! But regardless, I really, really like you. You make me feel different. Someone worth something. Someone able to be loved. I never thought I'd find someone who could make me feel like this. And now I've found him, I'm never going to let him just go off and disappear."

"Blue. It's been rough for me. After being diagnosed, and then turning to a life of crime, I never thought that anyone would like me. Well at least if they found out about everything. But with you... With you it's not the same. You just took it and accepted it."

"And why wouldn't I? Ethan, if I didn't like you, then the second you sat down, you'd have been on the floor begging for mercy." She softly laughed.

"Oh... I didn't realise. I.. I.."

"No need to stumble. Come on Ethan! I like you. Let's get on with it!" She spurred me on. I took the plunge.

"As you've already said.. Sure, we've known each other for a short amount of time.. But if you like me and I like you.... Uhhh... Would you like to be my girlfriend..?"

"It would be a pleasure." I smiled widely. I engulfed Blue in a hug. I paid and we walked out of the café hand in hand. Simon had found someone to stick him back together, and now I'd found the last piece to my puzzle.


I'd heard the news. Ethan had found a girl. And they were dating. I was happy for him. He deserves someone. But that didn't make me feel any less lonely.

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