Bellatrix Lestrange reads Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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"Noooooo, Hermione!" Bellatrix (hearafter called bella) cackled in a high voice imatating Ron as he called for Hermione as she was being tortured in the 7th Harry Potter, which Bella (in this story) is reading while she sits in Azkaban waiting for a chance to break out. Back to Bella. "Ha Ha Ha!" Bella laughed as she read about poor Dobby being killed by her. "this is spool boring! it is too mushy gushy! I thought Harry Potter was supposed to be strong! Crying over a filthy house elf!" Bella ranted. "FOOD" screamed the prison gard so suddenly that he jumped. She liked scaring him.

The next day Bella was reading about the battle of Hogwarts, and how Harry just walked into the woods and let Voldemort sort of kill him. Also about how her sister let Harry get away just because her son Draco was safe. But then she read about the part where she died. This was her reaction: "he he. I almost killed that filthy blood traitor! DID THAT OLD FILTHY BLOOD TRAITOR JUST CALL ME A BAD WORD!!??!! SHE MUST DIE!!!" "oh. I just died. I will fix that if it comes true." So Bella read about her and Voldemorts deaths.

The next day Bella got the chance to break out of Azkaban. So she did. Unfortunately she got struck by lightning and lost her memory of reading the 7th Harry Potter book so she never stopped herself or Voldemort from dying.

THE END!!!!!

Authors note: Thank you for reading. I wrote this randomly.

Bellatrix Lestrange reads Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsWhere stories live. Discover now