The Admins' Characters

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@catlover215 Characters

Name: Miriam Brooks

Age: 60

Human or Wizard: Human

Job: Headmaster

Personality: brave, kind, honest, a natural leader, although her backstory has caused her temper to change constantly from very happy to very, very sad quickly.

Looks: Straight brown hair usually braided, hazel eyes, she wears black robes, and her appearance has caused people to believe she is a wizard, although she is not.

Backstory: Her parents were very cruel to her when she was young, and when she was accepted into the academy, she was very happy to go, and when it came time to leave at the end of the term, she always begged the headmaster to let her stay. Although she was always kind to her parents, they were never kind to her, and that changed her personality drastically. Her parents were put in jail right after her first year ended, and she found herself in foster care, only to be adopted by a family of wizards. She went to the academy alongside the wizard children for the rest of her time at the academy. Even though she was abused at home, she was a gifted child when it came to school, and often found herself at the top of the class. After graduating, she worked alongside humans without powers for many years, before she returned to the academy as a teacher, and later headmaster.

Powers: Time manipulation and time travel

Pet: a cat named Hora, which means time in Spanish

Other: she has been Headmaster for 20 years

TrueNorthRider Character(s)

Name: Nobu Lance James

Age: 17 Years

Human/Wizard/Other: Vampire

Personality: Nobu is anti-social and a loner, with a guarded personality. He is reserved and doesn't really enjoy making conversation. Nobu seems mysterious, and really isn't that friendly of a person. This necessarily does not mean he is not kind, he just isn't very good at communication with others.

Looks: Nobu is tall, around the height of 5'11 and slightly muscular. His jawline is good, with an overall relatively attractive appearance. His hair is deep black, which is long enough to hang into his eyes and over his ears. He tends to keep it messy, and pulls on a strand near his left ear when uncomfortable. Nobu has pale skin. His eyes are a dark and intense blue, which are flecked with grey and black around his pupils. On the left side of his neck and face, a pale scar curls up around his ear and vanishes into his hair.

Grade: 11

Backstory: Nobu was born a human, on the date of February 17th. His parents were young, both just out of college and only had been dating for about a year. His father soon left after it was revealed that Nobu's mother was pregnant. He wasn't cared very well as a child, and was eventually taken away from his mother by social services when he was seven. Nobu was then passed around the adoption system until he turned twelve. A year after he was adopted by a kind middle aged couple, he was bitten and turned into a vampire. He then ran away from his foster parents and lived on his own for half a year. He then was cornered in an ally by a teacher from the school and taken in. He has a deep respect for the school's professors and has been going there ever sense.

Powers: Advanced Speed/Reflexes and Superhuman Senses(sight, hearing and smell)

Pet: None

Other: Nobu has a great fear of hurting others, and tends to avoid making social connections because of this. He doesn't want to put a friend he might make in danger, or have the possibility of drinking from them.

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