Chapter Six

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***Jess' POV***

I had just stepped out of the heavy glass doors at the front of hell (aka school) as I bumped into Josh. Josh Schofield, one of the 'popular' guys.
"Oh hey Jess, I was hoping I'd bump into you"
"You were..?" I questioned.
"Indeed, I was wondering if you wanted know...hang out with me this weekend?"
"Uh...sure...I'd like that.."
"Great, I'll see you on Saturday" he said with a smile before walking off.

Why did one of the popular guys want to hang out with me?

***Jake's POV***

I was just walking out of the school gates when him and his minions were stood there to greet me, great. I walked a bit out of my way to try and avoid them, I kept my head down so hopefully they wouldn't notice me, but of course they did.
"Well would you look at that, it's little gay boy trying to avoid us.." Josh slowly, kind of intimidatingly, walked towards me.
"Leave me alone" my voice cracked slightly, partly because puberty's a bitch and partly because I was kind of scared. They all sniggered at me.
"Pussy" Josh spat as he pronounced the 'p'.
"Well, I guess you are what you eat.." I said with more confidence and a slight smile, that's probably the best comeback I've ever had.
"Then I guess that's what makes you such a dick" I frowned and decided to just walk off, partly because I couldn't think of a comeback and partly because I didn't want the others to come looking for me and find out I was being picked on...


***Jess' POV***

It's Saturday, at last. The first week back at school dragged like fuck. Annie hasn't been at school all week and none of us have heard from her, maybe she's ill? Anyway, I'm getting ready to go out with Josh, well, like hang out not go out like on a date...right? I was just about ready to go when there was a knock at the door, I figured it was Josh, even though he was a little early, so I checked myself one last time in the mirror and opened the door.
"Heeeyyyy...?" Jake dragged the word out and tilted his head slightly at the end, "why do you look so...nice?" I laughed at his confused face.
"Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment" I giggled and let him in. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I shut the door and turned to face him.
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, my mum and dad are at work as always so Hannah has Lewi round and they're being all cute and it's pretty awkward and cringey for me"
"Oh Jake...sorry but I already have plans today..." His face turned from his usual cheery expression to a frown, "I'm going out with Josh-"
"Josh?! As in Josh Schofield?!" He looked at me in shock.
" that a problem..?"
"Uh...uh not at all..." He walked towards the door and I grabbed his arm to stop him.
"You could come with us if you want?"
"No it's fine..." He mumbled and reached for the door handle,
"Why not?"
"I've got...stuff to do..." And with that, he left.


Before I knew it, Josh was walking me back to my house. He took me to a restaurant which I thought was kinda strange, one; because we're kids, and two; we were just hanging out as far as I knew anyway...

"I had a great time..." I really had, it was nice seeing the down to earth side of one of the 'popular' guys.
"So did I," he replied with a smile as we reached the front door of my house, "listen Jess, I have somethings to ask you..." I shuffled about a little as I knew what he was going to say, "will you be my girlfriend?" I laughed a little at his question which made him look at me confused.
"I'm sorry Josh, but I like someone else-" before I could add anymore of an explanation, Jake showed up on my doorstep. Josh and Jake seemed to give each other evil glares.
"Is everything ok..?" I asked confused, which caused them both to look at me, just as Josh opened his mouth to speak, Jake cracked.
"No. No everything is not ok. Because you just went out with your best friends bully." I could see tears forming in Jake's eyes and just as Josh opened his mouth I snapped at him.
"What the fuck?! Who do you think you are picking on my best friend?! You know I actually thought you were alright after today..." I took Jake's hand in mine and turned to my door to take him inside when Josh spoke, but not in his normal confident manner, he spoke softly as if he was afraid.
"I'm jealous." I rolled my eyes and opened the door and went in with Jake but before I could shut the door he spoke again.
"I'm jealous of Jake..." He looked at the floor, he seemed ashamed of himself, which he should be. "I'm jealous that he has friends and family that love him...I'm jealous that he has enough talent to have his own band...I'm jealous that he has a hot twin sister, I'm jealous that he has a hot best friend..." I blushed at his comment and turned to Jake, who seemed just as shocked as I was.
"That's no excuse to make my life hell for 3 years" I was about to make a comment until Josh replied.
"I was a mistake...I'm sorry..." Although he had clearly been a dick to Jake in the past, his apology seemed genuine. Jake just seemed to shrug it off and turned to walk in the living room.
"Jake, you know, I saw a different side of Josh today, he really isn't that bad..." I said softly after calming down and seeing the genuine look on Josh's face.
"How can you say that? Oh yeh, that's right, because you haven't been bullied by him since year 7" I sighed and decided to let Jake have some time to think about what just happened, he walked in the living room and I turned to Josh.
"I'll talk to him." He nodded and left as I shut the door and followed Jake.

I spent the rest of the weekend with him. We watched films, played on the play station, we sang together, him slightly better than me I have to say. I didn't mention Josh, I didn't want Jake to talk about it unless he felt comfortable. We spent our time doing what we do best, being absolute fucking idiots, but hey, that's just who we are.

It's been forever...😁 tbh I was peer pressured into writing this chapter *cough* linkinrixton *cough* anyways...hope you liked this chapter, thanks for reading💞

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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