It All Started With A Smile

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I notice Harry writing something in a piece of paper.In my mind I thought that Harry would be giving me his phone number when just then Harry gaved me a paper saying my name,school,phonenumber and other crazy stuff about me.

"You did a great job"said Louis smiling at me 

"Thanky-all of a sudden Niall interupted "bla bla bla people stop blabbing and get back to work."Niall said rolling his eyes at meh.

At that momment i felt like slapping the holy shit out of Niall 

"I-I'm sorry" isay walking out of the room

Harry's P.O.V

"Well that was rude"I say looking straight at Niall

"You should had never said that.That made you look with out manners"Louis said

"Who cares"Niall said as he left the room

End of harrys POV

"How did it go princess?"asked my dad hugging meh

"Uh,i believe I did good"I replied

"Thats my girl!"Said my dad highfiveing meh

I chuckle

[Next Day]

"Seven A.M waking up in the moring gotta do som-"

"Shut up stupid alarm clock!"I woke up and got all dressed up then i go downstairs 

"Morning Jessica"

"Morning mom"i reply 

I noticed my mom wanted to start a conversation

"I have to run im already late for school bye now!"


"Mornig my troublemakers.Jessica someone is waiting for you in the office"

My heart started to punp hard was I in trouble?I go down stairs took a deep breath and walked in the offic.The first thing i saw was ........ONE DIRECTION......

I was about to faint how could ONE DIRECTION visit me at school?

"Your audicion was wonderful we loved it.It was just amazing and we came here to tell you that you have been accepted.Lastly would you like to come with us to London where our next concert will be?"Louis told me

I could believe what i just heard

"Y-Yess!!!I-I would love to go to London with you guys!It has been my dream!"I say  all hipe

"We will meet you tomorrow at 6:45 AM"

"It will be a pleasure to have you join us to London"Harry Said to me smiling his greenish eyes made him look even more hotter 

"Sure and thankyou harry!"

"You may go back to class now"Zayne said

"I guess Bye!"

"Bye!"all of them say all together

I start going up stairs when just then i see Ms.Cob shivers came through my body i decided to go the other way.

I walk into class evryone stared at me likeif i murdered someone after that awkward momment everything became normal

"Oh fuck!I lost mah pen!And that was my last fucking pen!"

Melony came passed me 

"Dont eva eva lose your pen!Eva!"

"I know let me guess you cant take notes,no notes no diploma"I say

Melony rolled her eyes at me 

"Guys come represent your projects.Jessica"

I walked shyly to the front of the room

"Penguins Are-"People were talking i took a deep breath and yelled

"Oh dont you talk when im talking ya better mute it!"

Everyone stared at me

"What cha looking at?"

"Bibibi""Time to go home"

I started walking home when all of a sudden i got a strange feeling.A feeling a cant quite explain.A feeling that something bad was gonna happen.i run as fast as i could to home.I unlock the door of my house everything seemed normal.

It was the middle of the night.I was still awake thinking about the feeling i got earlier.What could have gone wrong?

[Next Day]

Music goes on "I want i want!But thats crazy !"

"ugh!its only 6:25" i opened my eyes wide 

"Oh shit!One direction!I cant fail on them!"

i get all dressed up,brushed my teeth,ate my breakfast.and packed all my stuff.

The It was 6:45 My phone started to ring it was harry


I go down stairs and open the door and lock it.I couldn't believe it the whole fricken band was right in front of my face all waving at me!


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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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