Chapter 2

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After I ate I started throwing up. The food I ate came out. Follwed by blood. They all tried to tend to me but I just crawled away. I leaned against the wall and weakly sighed. It's been I think two months now since I've arrived.

I've been throwing up since that day that man had kicked me. I always force myself to eat, but it always ends up being thrown up later.

The door suddenly opened. Everyone jumps and turns their attention towards the door. In walks a man with a mask. I crawl away from the corner I threw up in and back to my spot, dragging my chain with me. I leaned against the wall  watching the man make his way around the room. When he got to me he stopped and came closer to examine me. He then stood straight and turned towards one of the men.

"This one is sick and smells of puke, clean him up and bring him to me." He left with the man towing behind him. I stared confusingly at the door. I turned around to see everyone in the room with looks of sympathy. The door opened again. I looked up to see the man from before. He growled as he came close. He untied my chain from the railing and pulled me towards the door. I was to weak to pull away so I complied with him.

He pulled me into another room filled with women with masks on. He threw me onto the floor.

"Clean him up, and make him look presentable." They nodded and they quickly pulled me into the bathroom. But they were nice they asked me if I wanted any water. I refused it, scared that they it had a drug inside. I shook it off and just followed their orders cause if i didn't who knows what they'll do to me.

-After preperations-

When they were done they gave me clothes that looked like my other ones but a different color this time. I sighed and slipped into the shorts and the thin shirt. They dried and made my hair look good. I looked into the mirror and sighed. My eyes looked lifeless. Well of course they do. For two months the guards would pull me out of the room and into a musty room and coutinuously rape me.

I became guilty remembering when they would make me sound like a slut. Telling me to call them master.

Telling them I want more.

Telling them that I loved them.

I shuddered. I just want it all to end. I've prayed thousands of times for them to kill me, but it never happened. They enjoyed seeing me suffer. I looked back up into the mirror. I was pale with small bags under my eyes that made me look like I hadn't slept for days.

I've lost so much weight that I was creeped out by just looking at myself.

If only I had gone home.

If only I hadn't run off.

If only... I wasn't such a loser. Maybe, just maybe. I would have still been with my mom. I turned away from the mirror fighting the tears that were threatning to fall. I took big gasps of air to calm myself down. The door slammed open.

"Where is he? The buyer wants to see him." I walked out of the bathroom into his view. He stood there and smiled.

"Well don't you look lovely." I stared at him emotionless. I had become used to their sarcastic marks. I just walked up to him side.

"I'm ready 'sir." I said lifelessly. One of the women gave the man my collar. He pulled me closer and tied it around me. He grabbed my chain and pulled hard. I followed behind him as we walked down a long corridor. I heard laughs and talking. I noticed that I haven't been here before. I then remembered the stories that the others would tell me. They said that they would take you into a room full of buyers and do things to you infront of them, nasty scary things.

They would laugh at you and call you names. I held my breath as we walked onto a stage like area. He chained me onto a hook in the ground. Large curtains were set infront of me. A man then came beside me. He looked me up and down and smiled.

"I have a feeling you will sell well." He chuckled and grabbed my ass. I flinched. He just chuckled again and turned forwards. The curtains opened and the chatting seized. The man took a step foreward.

"Today I have a lovely specimen for you ladies and gentlemen!" They clapped, I heard whistels and hollors from the men. I looked at the crowd.

They all had masks on. It was terrerfying. I looked down at the floor. Then a strong hand gripped my chin and made me face the crowd.

"Isn't he beautiful, almost looking like a girl, with long lashes and big eyes and.." He turned me around and smacked my butt

"A nice plump ass!" I sighed. This was embarrassing. They all laughed without a care in the world. He turned me back around. He smiled at me and said. "Introduce yourself." He shoved the mic up to my face.

"N-nice to meet y-you, My n-name is Haru Fujoki." I bowed and they applauded.

"Well isn't he well mannered, only found at our company." They hooted and hollered.

"And now, for the best part! What you have all been waiting for!" A bed was then pulled in.

No. They couldn't...

They wouldn't...

Not infront of them.

I stood there paralyzed with fear. The curtains closed. The man unchained me from the floor and pulled me to the bed. He then said "You've been here for a while, if you don't cooperate we'll have to kill you". My eyes widened. He smiled.

"Act as sluttly as you can and if someone buys you, you might have a chance of leaving this place." I sighed weakly. I guess this the only thing I can do to leave this place...


The next chapter will have some... stuff. Just a heads up. I hope this chapter's good 'cause I feel like I could have done better. I'm going to be changing the name of this book and the cover Because.. I suck at Titles and I suck at picking covers. I live a sad and pathetic life... Oh well, please vote, comment, and stuff... no pressure.

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