Day 2!

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*** Niall's POV

The next morning I awake rather early. Around six, I wake to the smell of bacon and my stomach rumbling. I took a quick shower and changed into a red Ralph Lauren Polo shirt and tan chinos pants and head toward the growing smell. I quietly walk into the brightly lighted kitchen. "Mornin'," I say to Vanessa taking a seat on a stool of the island, "Mind if I have some?" I say pointing to the plate of bacon. "Niall! I didn't know you were up. Was I making too much noise? Yes, of course you can have some sweetie. Just let me get you a plate, I might as well get one for Malory too, I'm sure she'll be up soon. And good morning to you too honey," she says grabbing the plates she promised. I chuckle, "Thank you. It smells great; I think that's the only reason why I'm up". She blushes and sits a plate of bacon, eggs, waffles, and sausage and a glass of orange juice down in front of me, "You can have more when you're done if you want". I mumble a thank you and dig in to heaven. She's got to be one of the best cooks I've ever met. "Did you go school for this?" I ask mouth full of eggs pointing down to the plate, "Or you are just a natural? Stuff's amazing". "I guess you can say a little for both. My mother taught me some and school. Then I pretty much taught Ciera, my other daughter, and Mal everything they know about cooking," she said proudly, which I could see why.  "And thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it," she said smiling. 

After stuffing my mouth down with my second plate and bowl of mixed fruit, it was only about 7:10. God I got up way too early. Just then Trey came through the door. "Morning. Hey Niall. I didn't think you'd be up this early," he said. Vanessa spoke for me, "He's a natural. Smelt bacon and came crawling," she said with a giggle. I join in the laughter. There's no lying; the bacon was pretty much the only reason I was up. Trey grabbed a piece of bacon and began chewing. "Are you finished?" he asked me, but before I could speak Vanessa beat me. "Trey," she said giving him a look I was unable to read. "What? I just want to talk one-on-one. I plan on doing it with all of them to get to know the people I'm paying better". "Fine," is all she said, with that she took my plate and glass and I was being lead to who knows where.

When we were finally done walking, we were in what looked like an office. "Have a seat," Trey said patting the seat to an empty chair. I sat down in the chair. Thank God he wasn't sitting behind the desk; then it'd feel really small. "So how's the stay going for you?" "Fine, starting to relax a bit. It's beautiful out here". "Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it," he said smiling, "Room okay?" I nod, "It's great, but there's actually something I think you should know," I said remembering what Liam said last night; he has the right to know. He started playing with his hands and I started to sweat. "Yeah, I think I know," he says, "Mal?" I lose all the words I was planning to say and just bob my head up and down slowly. He sat up and smiled a bit. He smiled? Oh shit, did I just miss something? "I'm so sorry. I-I-I don't know what got into me. I know it's exactly what you didn't want to have happen, I tried to fight against my senses, but, but I was too weak, I guess," I say hanging my head low, "I know saying sorry isn't going to fix anything or make you forgive me, or continue to let us perform, but I am sorry. I just don't regret it even if she does becau-," I start but then he cuts me off as a single tear drop rolls down my cheek. "Wait, wait, stop. Niall, look, I'm not mad at you, and I'm not going to make you guys stop performing, or tell the press. I just want you to be careful and not hurt my daughter if you're serious about this. She's been through a lot; last boyfriend was a complete asshole. Through the hospital visits and stitches, God I hate that kid". Wait stitches? She had stitches? What the fuck douche-bag did that? "Excuse my language," he continues, "but look I honestly don't think you'll hurt her. It's the press I'm worried about. And the rest of that stuff I have no idea what you're talking so please tell me what you don't regret because, I was talking about the look of love or lust in your eyes last night before dinner. SO, please explain to me what you’re talking about," he says looking up from his hands to my teary eyes. "And stop crying, you're too good to be crying, I'm not yelling at you and I'm not mad at you". 

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