1. Welcome to Horrigan Company

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A/N: This story is completely fictional. It is (in my imagination) set in an earlier period of time when there weren't much succesful women because men looked down on them and thought they just had to be pretty, not smart. Sorry in advance if some things are incorrect. I appreciate advice and you can always correct me! Have fun while reading! :)



1. Welcome to Horrigan Company

'Take a deep breath Hill, you can do this. You're Hillary Ayre, of course you can do this,' is what I'm repeating to myself while walking up the huge staircase that leads me to two giant doors with a sign above it saying 'HORRIGAN COMPANY'.

Oh how I've dreamed about this for a long time now. I've always wanted to make a change in this world. Cure a disease and save people's lives. Show people woman are as intelligent and can be as succesful as men. And here is the perfect place to do that, I just have to-

"Hello miss? Your name?" A woman who I assume is in her mid-thirties asked me. I didn't even realise that I'm already on top of the stairs.

"Hillary Ayre, I'm here to-"

"Ah yes, Mr. Horrigan is expecting you. Don't set your hopes up for getting that job. He doesn't like... girls-" she said, eyeing me up and down. I noticed a hint of despise in the word 'girls' but I didn't even care. Nothing is going to ruin this. "-and besides, he's not in a good mood. He never is." Not even a bad mood will ruin this. "Second floor, go down the hallway on your left."

"Thank you very much." I spoke, not really impressed with her words.

I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button with the number '2' on it.

"Uhum." I turned around and now faced a man who I guess is still in his twenties. He had light brown hair and a slender face, you could see his cheekbones popping out. He was quite handsome.

Realising I was staring at him, I suddenly asked: "Yes?".

"I just wanted to say the door of the elevator is open, we're on the second floor so you can go out now," he remarked while giving a wink.

"Oh yes, I noticed. Thank you-"

"Jake," he interrupted while gesturing for me to shake his hand. "And you are...?"

"Hillary." I replied while shaking it, before heading out of the elevator.

"Going to Mr. Horrigan, I suppose? You must be quite someone to meet him. I've worked here for 3 years now and I still haven't had a glimpse of him. I heard he's not very nice, if you know what I mean."

"How do you know I'm meeting him?" I asked, still processing the last words he spoke to me.

"The second floor is all him. So you mustn't be Sherlock Holmes to ascertain that. Goodbye, I hope to see you again."

"Goodbye." I said before my feet are starting to carry me out of the elevator and down the hallway on my left.

I stopped a brief moment while checking the time. It's 7:58 am, perfect. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door. I could here a "Come in." and opened the door...


A/N: My first chapter is up and I'm so excited for this story! :D I know it's really short but it's 5:35 am now and I haven't slept yet so comment what you think and maybe give a vote if you like it for the effort. ;) I hope you liked it!



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