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Ok guys, my attempt at writing an actual story. Please let me know what you think and if I should continue.  :)


Most people look forward to family vacations. I was dreading this one. My mum had that it would be a good idea to get away for a while. Escape from the city buzz as she liked to put it. From my point of view, it was just her way of getting over dad by spending money and acting like she was all happy. We had all been feeling down since dad left, just not to the extent of deciding to go to New York for the weekend. I tossed my head back against the chair out of pure boredom. The plane trip might have been just slightly tolerable if I'd had my iPod but no! This was all about 'family bonding' which from my mum's perspective involved me playing a dumb game with my younger sister and her (get this) listening to MY iPod. Like WHAT THE HELL?! wasn't she torturing me enough? I turned my head to look out the tiny window. There wasn't much to see, just the vast ocean and a tiny island off to the right. I started day dreaming out being with my friends instead of being on this plane when I was jolted to reality by the plane hitting some turbulence. The seat belt sign flashed above my head in a warning red.

"Help your sister, Sarah," my mum said from the other side of Bella.

"Why can't you?" I shot back with annoyance touching my tone.

"I'm busy," she said as if that cleared everything up.

"She's your daughter," I said under my breath, leaning towards Bella and securing her belt.

"Sarah," my mum said in a warning tone.

"I'm sorry mother, it must be awfully stressful just the thought of having to look after one of your children for a change," I muttered with sarcasm heavy in my voice.

A look of shock crossed her face before she recovered with the stern mother mojo that she had acquired over the last few years.

"Your phone," she said, extending her hand out to me.

"My iPod," I said, mimicking her tone and action.

She looked as if she was about to say something in retort when the plane gave a sudden jolt. Bella let out a small scream and hid her face in my jacket.

"Calm down Bella, it's just a bit of turbula-" my sentence ended with a terrified scream as the plane started dropping like a rocket down towards the ocean.

I woke up feeling stiff and slightly dizzy, cramped up in an awkward position. I tried to move my legs but soon realized that there wasn't much chance of that happening anytime soon. I heard a yell sounding from my left but couldn't pin point it. Hell, I couldn't even work out where I was, let alone someone else. Opening up my eyes, I looked around the plane. It took my eyes a while to adjust to the dim lighting and even then my vision was hazy. After what seemed like hours of maneuvering my body into a comfortable position, I was able to turn my head slightly and move my arms. To my right was the window. Looking out of it I saw sand and a little water lapping up against the glass. After a few minutes of thinking, I realized that we must have crashed on that island that I had seen.

Crashed. It suddenly hit me like a rock. I remembered everything. Falling through the sky. Hearing everyone's terrified screams. Clinging to Bella's hand. Bella. Fear gripped my heart as I changed my position again so that I could see her. I instantly wished I hadn't. Her neck was twisted at an impossible angle and her lifeless eyes gazed up at nothing. Emotions swelled up inside me and I fought to get a grip on them. I couldn't bring myself to accept that she was dead. It wasn't possible. Not my little sister, no. I wouldn't let my self look at my mum for fear that the same fate had met her as it had Bella. I felt my eyes flooding with tears that threatened to spill over my lashes at any moment. Finally realizing my situation, I tried to sit up. My legs were trapped under the chair in front of me but I managed to prop myself up on my elbows. Looking around the plane, I felt sick. There were so many people, some younger than Bella, staring up at nothing or their bodies twisted at unnatural angles. I couldn't contain my fear any longer.

"Help. HELP!" I yelled, the fear in my voice increasing dramatically.

"Hello?" Somebody's voice sounded from the back of the plane.

"Please, help me," I could no longer contain my emotions. I felt tears streaming down my face and sobs racking my body.

"Hold on!" I heard the voice reply along with the obvious shuffling of someone moving. Focussing my eyes on the isle, or what remained of it, I waited for my rescuer.

"Where are you?" The voice asked which I was now sure belonged to a man 

"Over here, row 20," I managed to get out in between loud sobs. I saw him shuffling down the isle just before he reached my row. He appeared to be about the same age as me if not a bit older with a strong build.

"Here," I said weakly. He turned to face me with a look that contained relief, concern and fear.    

"Are you ok?" he asked. I gave him a blank look. "Sorry, stupid question,"

"My legs are stuck, can you help?" I asked, as my legs were now numb.

"I'll try," he said, concern obvious in his tone.

"Sarah," I said, extending my hand out to him.

"James," he replied, taking my hand.

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