The Path

25 7 0

Things are never as easy as they seemed to be

I thought we could be

But in turn, I have a long torturous path to ride

But it's still simple and plain as can be

There are two gates to the heart

Both so difficult to unlock

And tiring to tame

One gate is trust

It's what all friends hope to share

What all families wish to gain

Trust is not given

It doesn't come with a title

It comes with a mane

Fast and avoided

In all sense of blame

The trouble of catching this stallion, is worth the effort and brutal work

Once tamed and unlocked, you will have a loyal friend

The second gate is easier to open once trust is earned

True love isn't the hardest to earn

The trust is what builds

And the love is what burns

Instead of a horse to catch, a beauty to tame, you have a game to play

The game of love

The game of winning the hearts compassion

Once these two gates are open, the soul is exposed

The heart is vulnerable

It is for this that we take this long path to love and friendship

The heart and soul are beautiful

Yet they both hold mysteries only choosen few get to see

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