entry 1

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der diary,

its me wax liam and i lyke had a very waxy day.

firstith i went to wax zayns house and we had sex

secindith i went to wax harrys house and we had sex

thridith i went to wax nialls house and we had sex

fourthith i went to wax louis' house and we had sex

nothing unsual. thats my daily routine.

but something else happened 2day

i was rydin around town when des beautiful creatures showed up

and then i remembered they were my bandmates


but then something else happened

i was walking down da street when and hit a curb

I PUT A DENT IN MY WAX FACE!!!!11!!!1!!!111


den i went to da starbcks and got a coffee

den i went home and drank da coffee

den i took a bubble bath

den i went to sleeeeeep

day was me day 2day.


wax liam.

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