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You know, isn't it so sad and disappointing how you know someone so well one day and then the next day they're like complete strangers? Of course when we say days it's really like a couple months or maybe weeks. But it's just sad. It's disappointing and it really freaking hurts.

It hurts to know that one day you might not talk to that person anymore. That everything you ever went through together has just gone into the toilet. You're not the only one who has felt this way. I'm sure all of us have been the doer and the receiver. I know I've done it to at least one person and I'm not proud of it. Multiple people have done it to me. But sometimes it just happens naturally and we don't realize it. You may go to different schools. Or move. But if you really care about that person make an effort to talk to them. Or tell them that you don't want to become strangers.

It happens in some relationships if maybe it's messy. You could be saying I love yous and hugging and kissing one moment. And in the next couple months or weeks or days or years it could all be over. You could look into once passionate eyes and now find that they're just cold. But that's freaking life. And life hurts like a mother freaking witch. It takes time. But time is also slow. Slow as heck. So don't you dare suffer through it alone. Because you're not alone. You have to talk to the ones you know won't leave you for anything at all.

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