Family Time

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"Hey, what's up with the blowing me off sis."

"Sorry, I just really wanted to see Zander. Nothing personal."

"Oh well, ok. I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah. See you later."

The family looked pretty chill and no one seemed like they wanted to talk.
Erin and Jace were on the couch laughing about something and kissing. Tavi was in the kitchen as usual cooking himself something to eat. The family became something weird over time. As we got to know each other we got to comfortable. It seems as if nobody is worried about the sex part anymore. I mean anyone of us could catch or have caught something by now. It doesn't seem realistic but it is. Hell some of us might feel it's a fantasy that non-stop sex is in our discretion. The overview of this was wrong, but no one cared anymore and here I am pregnant. Pregnant with twins. At least I can say I have Zander. Most can't say they have someone that loves them for them and will be by their side at all times. So for him I am grateful.


Before I enter the living room I take a deep breathe. I'm the only one pregnant in the Libra Compound and everyone excepts the fact that I am pregnant, but I feel wired about it. Erin treats me a little better but in a way I know she feels bad for me and she usually doesn't. Everyone else pretty much finds it normal that I'm pregnant. I mean soon enough one of us was going to get pregnant, but I didn't imagine it would be me. It doesn't matter anymore because I'm close to delivering any moment now.

After settling back into the compound and taking in what I call family now an alert on the tv popped up. It was a challenge. My face became saddened and I looked to Zander. We had just gotten back and it was already time for another challenge. He had no exceptions to the challenges unlike I. So I knew he had to go and couldn't stay with me. When the announcement went off I I stood up and walked over to Zander.

"I don't want you to go."

"I know baby, but I have to."

"It's not fair. I need you."

"We need each other. I'll be back before you know it. Ok."


He gives me a very passionate kiss on the lips and as we pull apart we gaze into each other's eyes for a minute. As I'm looking into his eyes I can see how hurt he is as well as his understanding of me not wanting him to go, but I can't do anything about it. He has to go and I have to let him go. So before I start to shed tears I quickly turn my head away and walk off. He just stands in the same spot looking at me and soon enough he turns around himself and walks out of the compound with everyone else.

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