Chapter Four: Abort Mission Showers...Initiate Mission Survive...

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What am I going to do now? I am so scared. I hate turning corners, I am starting to hate myself. And to think that I'm doing this to find out who my fiance really is...well it's messed up! There are so many noises around me, and I can't even tell if the thing making the noise is a danger or just a stupid rat with bad timing! I'm quite ticked off, and I'm about done with it. Noises all around me, in my ears, in my head, around every corner, just everywhere.  I'm walking down the corridor terrified to turn my head around. Click, clack, click... blop... the noises are far too similar. To my right, I hear water sounds, as I listened closely I hear it trickling as if it was running down a wall. My first thought was "WATERFALL" but then a place like this, a waterfall is too "nice." You know the YouTube videos that you watch, like the ones that say 'Top 10 mistakes girls make in horror movies,' well I deserve to star in them. Anyways, one mistake they make is going towards any noise they hear. If we weren't so damn curious, or if we would just stop sticking our noses in things that are not our business, we wouldn't have to sit on our asses and wait around for prince charming to come around and save us. I do what any girl would do... I follow the trickling noise. Thinking it might be another bathroom with a broken faucet or something along that line. I continued walking forward and I enter an office lined with bookshelves. It almost resembled a library. One look at this place and you would pee yourself. I searched around inside the office, looking around for anything, when I came across a gap in the wall. The wall was broken off forming a gap, it was a tight squeeze but I managed to slip through. Behind me, I hear books falling off the shelves, and shuffling feet. I didn't dare look back. I kept pushing forward, bricks lie in my way, but I walk over them tripping occasionally. I hear singing... not a familiar song, sounded deep, and personal...

"I let you in...I gave you the key to my heart..." and after that it got violent, "and you just took it. You fucking bastard, You just took it!" the person was yelling now. I move in closer, just so I can see. What I saw was marvelous.  There is a girl, sitting on a rock dangling her feet in the water. The atmosphere around her has me in awe. There is a waterfall, the water so fresh you can see straight through it. The flowers burst with color, screaming life. In this place, there is life. The girl is still yelling but I am distracted by the beauty of this place. I walk in, forgetting how clumsy I could be, and I tripped on a rock. The girl jumps into the water and what I was seeing was no longer living. The girl can breathe underwater, clearly. She remained underwater for a long time. The waterfall turned black, it looked like tar. The flowers all died. And the girl, the girl remained underwater until I started to regain my footing. She leaps out of the water yelling at me, "Chris, you son of a bitch! why did you leave me for her!" I scramble backward and put my camera up. She is chained by the neck, and you think that her neck was ought to snap at the rate she longed at me, but no, it didn't. This is starting to look more like the same hell that I just came from. The beautiful girl is no longer pretty. Her eyes bulge out of her face, like that of a frog. Her mouth is ripped open and stitched at the sides leaving room for her dagger-sharp teeth to hang there.  My jerk fiancé slept with that thing and me at the same time...The heart is truly blind. It's really about time to get the hell out of this place. I start to retrace my steps, but I hear shuffling from the same direction I previously came from. Screw it! I run through the crack, run through the water, the girl takes a bite of my arm sleeve and in terror, I drop the camera. I continued to run. Screw the camera, screw the creepy man, and screw this place. I duck into a locker room that was in the farthest corner from the entrance.

I just want to get out of here alive...but look at where I found myself...The locker rooms...Which typically leads to showers. I look around trying to find places to hide, you know in case the water girl, crazy eyes, the guy with a bat, or Chris happen to be following me. I choose to hide in a stall. No one, no one shows up trying to kill me.

No one...

Absolutely no...


How could it be? I am starting to lose my mind, completely. Soon enough I will find this place home. I get out of the stall and walk around the locker room hoping to find another door. I look into stalls for anything, anything.





The lights shut off.

I am surrounded by complete darkness.

I hunt in my mail guy bag and hope to find that flashlight that I stole earlier. I keep clicking it but it refuses to turn on. I take out the old batteries and put in new ones. I try again and the flashlight beams to life. I hear things moving around but I assumed it was another rat trying to scare me. I continue to walk forward when I hear something moving behind me. I turn around, flashlight first, but I see no one. I felt a cold hard metal in contact with my head.

The ground races up to reach me.

Oh, the ground is so cold...

His eyes are so blue...


When I open my eyes again, I see a fan, spinning ridiculously fast...


I open my eyes again, I see his blue eyes...


I try and open them one more time, I see her smile...


I hear them talking, about me, and their clinical trial...


I hear them yelling...


I hear them...


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