Episode 15

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Episode 15: BOTTLE IT UP

            The night was cold and the room was dark. The only light available was that from the outside world seeping in through pulled the blinds. Heavy sniffling filled the atmosphere. 

The door opened and in walked a very tired-looking Ms. Oh. She flung the handbag over the countertop and sat down hastily in the nearest seat.

Without caring to switch on the lights, she sat still as if lost in thought. She was obviously crying and was breathing heavily.

The phone rang and startled her but she recovered quickly and answered. 

"I was hoping you made it home by now. I'm calling to check in on you," a patient but concerned voice acknowledged over the phone.

She sniffled. "I'm OK," she lied. 

"No, Winnie, you are not. Running out of my office is not a sign you're OK." There was a pause. "Look, I offered you to return if you ever needed to. And a sudden appearance at my door; its very obvious that you need to."

"I'm fine, Dr. Brian. I really am," she whimpered.

"Was it him?" His question was intense and driven.

"What?' she asked confused.

"I noticed the bruise on your face. If it is him, dear, you have to let me know so things can be dealt with accordingly."

"It was just- I hit into the door-" she was beginning to rekindle her crying, "That's all. The mark just reminded me so much of him. That's why I came to you."

Another pause, "And you ran away?"

"I  wasn't ready to talk like I thought I was," she confided, "I just need some time. It's been so long and I thought I would never have reason to come back. I just need some time to sort my head out. I've been having explosive episodes with my students; that side of me that only he knew so well. I'm just confused."

Dr. Brian sighed, "Alright, I'll ease off for now. But," he declared with authority, "I expect to see you in my office tomorrow afternoon."

"But, I have school," 

"Call in sick. We have plenty to discuss I'm sure. Goodnight, Winnie."

"Goodnight." She returned the phone to its base. She stood frozen as she pondered the thoughts that had plagued her since Connor attacked her. She touched the bruise over her eye and closed her eyes in pain. "Damn you, Cliff. You did this to me."

[theme song]

              Alone in the hallway, Drew sat looking out of the window. His expression proved he was not in the greatest of spirits. 

"You look awful," a girl drew closer to him. She took up the seat next to him, "The bell rung for classes to begin. I just so happen to be late and on my way to English."

"Just here, wallowing in self-pity." He dared not move. He did not long for uninvited guests.

"Maybe you should throw another party," she teased.

"Ha ha! I had the worst time there, you won't believe." He admitted.

"At the Christmas party I was dumped, nothing that bad couldn't have happen to you in the midst of lover's night." the girl offered.

Drew turned around and finally faced the girl, "Jenny?"

"You're in such a mess you didn't even know it was me," she scoffed.

"Actually, it did," his expression became a little more relaxed.

"What are you talking about?" she asked confused.

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