Chapter Seven - True Nature

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It's been a week already and Alex and I have yet found another two members.

I sighed sitting down on a nearby bench, placing my head in between my hands. I felt Alex put his arms around my shoulders trying to comfort me. "It's alright Rin, we'll find them."

"They're saying no because I'm the scary one around here. It always happens. It happened back then and it's happening now." A tear escaped my eye as a rubbed it away quickly not wanting anyone to see me weak.

"I don't think you're evil, I see you as a role model." Alex said standing up, pulling me along.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."


I felt like I had been following Alex for ages before we finally stopped out side the canteen. What's he..

"Anyone here care to join our group!? It's for a good cause! Revenge on Supernaturals!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, cutting off my thoughts and causing everyone to stare at him, their mouths agape.

I couldn't contain myself, I began to burst of in uncontrollable laughter.

Alex smirked seeing as he caused a reaction. Idiot.

I stood up straight, wiping an invisible tear from my eye as a boy and a girl walked over to us. They looked the same only different gender. Their eyes were hazel and their hair was dirty blonde, both cut short. They were slightly tanned and looked around fifteen.

"I'm Jared." The boy said motioning to himself and the his twin sister,"This is Judy."

"I'm Rin." I copied his motioning,"And this is Alexander."

"We know. We would like to join the group."

My mouth was hanging open, shocked. "Catching much flies?" Alex winked as I shot him a death glare, closing my mouth.

"Funny. I'm only surprised. What is your reasons?" I said looking at Jared and Judy.

"Revenge. Like you." They said in unison. Which to be honest was creepy

I nodded, smiling. "Welcome to DWS."

They looked confused.

"Down With Supes. Don't ask I let that idiot choose the name." I face palmed, seeing Alex pout crossing his arms.

"The names fine! I'm quite proud actually." Changing his expression to a proud smile, he walked over and stood next to me, placing his elbow on my shoulder.

I only rolled my eyes. "Let's go to the Commander. We need to register our group."

They nodded and obeyed, following until we reached Gerard's office. Not bothering to knock like always I strolled in wishing I hadn't.

Gerard stood on his mahogany desk wearing nothing but a pair of duck boxers, holding a large wooden spoon to his mouth. And worst of all. He was singing.

I cringed, clearing my throat. He jumped now fully aware of our presence as he turned slowly to meet my distasteful gaze.

"Hi." He squeaked. Yes you heard me. Squeaked!

Alex began snickering, while Judy and Jared placed their hands over their mouths, trying to contain their laughter. I on the other hand tried to delete my new memory by slamming my head into the door.

"So, Rin I see you've got a group?" Ger was now perched on his desk chair.

I nodded.

"Very well. Follow me." He said waking over to a bookshelf and pulling one with a green cover.

I stood there, is he crazy!? My head shook as the bookshelf moved to the side, showing a dark passage way like the ones I used to see on T.V.

"That's some cool ass shit right there!" Alex  hollered. Jared agreed high giving him and walking side by side up to it.

I glanced at Judy, who looked like she wasn't believed her eyes. She glanced at me as we shook our head in unison as if to say 'what the fuck?'.

We followed Gerard down a spiral staircase into a room with six creepy looking statues. In front of the statues were podiums, each with a weapon of sorts.

"This is the highest ranking and most powerful Demons. Be careful." Gerard warned.

We nodded our heads in understanding.

"Very well, you may continue. I need not explain considering you have been studying about this." He leaned on the staircase.

I took in a deep breathe as I walked up to a podium. The statue was of a girl. Her hair was as white as snow and blood red eyes. She wore a sadistic smile. In the statues hand was a katana.

This is it.

I pulled the katana out of the statues grip. A loud scream pierced my ears and I blacked out.

When I awoke the statue stood there, only alive. The same sadistic smile plastered on her perfect pale face.

"Welcome, child." Her voice sounded creepy, to match her persona.

"What is this?" I boldly asked raising my head defiantly.

"Oh? Trying to be brave, child. That won't help. This.. Is a test. A test to prove you're worthy."

Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated! Don't kill me. I've been having problems with family so I apologize.
Next update will be soon!

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