take care of your eyes

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**(Sad imagine)
**Y/N: Your name
**Y/B/F/N: Your best friend's name

You were having a surgery for your eyes today, and you held onto Ryan's hand, and if you let go, it felt like you would die. You try to take deep calming breaths to feel calm. It had been a month since you told Ryan that you were slowly becoming blind. Ryan hated seeing you being worried and nervous like this, so he sat next to you on your hospital bed, stroking your hair.

"What if it the surgery won't be a success?" You bite your lip, and your eyes begin to dart back and forth. The palm of your hands start to become sticky and wet from the amount of sweat they were producing. "What if i become blind? I won't be able to see your handsome face ever again-"

Ryan cuts you off by shushing you with his finger on your mouth, shaking his head disapprovingly at your what ifs.

"I believe in you." Ryan looks at you straight in the eyes, and you feel paralysed for a moment. "And i believe that you will make i out just fine." He squeezes your hand assuringly and got up slightly to kiss your forehead.

After about ten minutes of sitting in silence with Ryan rubbing small comforting circles on your hand, a doctor strolls in with a nurse wheeling in a wheelchair for you. Since they had been giving you medication for your eyes, you always feel fatigue and dizziness. You look at Ryan one more time, admiring his features, for what could be the last time ever, and he stares back at you, giving your hand another encouraging squeeze.

As the nurse and Ryan help you get in your wheelchair, your parents and your best friend come in with presents and a bouquet of your favourite flowers. Your eyes tear up at the sight of them, and you take a moment to admire them.

"Y/N!" Y/F/N runs over to you giving you a hug, theire eyes filled with water. "Good luck, i'm praying for you." You take Y/F/N's hand and hug her tightly, giving a small thank you.

Your mum places the bouquet of flowers down on the hospital table, before extending out her arms out to you. The nurse wheels your wheelchair forward towards your mother and you both hug in silence.

"I love you," She says, her breath ticking your ear. "So much."

You nod in response, because you were too choked up with tears. The last person to come up to you is your dad. He gives you a bright smile, pinching your cheeks before he crouches down to your height on the wheelchair.

"Stay strong, princess." He kisses your forehead. "I love you."

The doctor gives a small smile. "Now, let's not be too negative about this. There's a very high chance the surgery will be a success." Everyone in their room nods their head, but were still not convinced by the doctors words.

The nurse pushes you out the door, and the last thing you see is Ryan mouthing the words "I love you".


It has been a few days since your surgery. You can see nothing but darkness, since you still had bandages over your eyes. Ryan wasn't allowed to visit you, since it was strictly family only. Today, you were getting your bandages off, and visitors were allowed. You couldn't wait to see Ryan again.

That was if the surgery was a success.

As you sit in darkness, listening to the beeping of your heart rate from the machine next to you, the door creaks open.

"Who is it?" You ask, slowly tilting your head towards the direction of the door.

"Y/N, how are you feeling?" The soothing voice of your doctor calms your nerves. You plaster a smile on your face, trying to stay positive.

"Nervous, excited and scared." You take a deep breath, and exhale loudly.

You feel the doctor pat your shoulder. "It'll be okay." He assures. "You have visitors here!" He changes the subject.

"Y/N!" You could tell it was coming from Y/B/F/N

"Hi!" You wave blindly at Y/B/F/N.

"Babbbbyyy!" You hear your mother squealing, her footsteps rushing to you side. "How are you?" She strokes your hair, and you moe your head toward the sound of her voice.

"I'm okay!" You try to say cheerfully. "Where's dad?" You try listening to the sound of your father's loud, booming voice.

"He's with Ryan." You could feel your mother smiling.

"Okay, the moment of truth. " You feel the doctor adjusting the bandage off your head. As he unwraps it slowly off you, you hold your breath. "You can open your eyes now."

You slowly peel open one eye, and the other follows along. You see nothing. You begin to panic, when you still see darkness.

"I can't see anything!" You take broken breaths, gripping onto your mother's hand. You hear Y/B/F/N whimper.

"Give it a few seconds." The doctor says. "It still needs to adjust."

You sit there in silence, and slowly your eyesight begin developing like a polaroid picture. Your smile widens as you look around you excitedly.

"It works!" You squeal. Y/B/F/N squeals along with you, and you look over to your mother, who has tears in her eyes.

The door creaks open, and in comes your father helping Ryan inside to walk. Then, you observe Ryan. He had his hands out like a zombie, feeling around him. Your heart sinks.

"Dad..." You eye your father, giving him a look. "Why is Ryan like that?"

"Who do you think donated the eyes to you?" Your father replies, looking at you with sadness.

Your heart shatters, as Ryan sits down next to you. You place a hand over your gaping mouth, tears brimming your eyes.

"Ryan...!" A tear rolls down your cheek. You take his hand, but he stares blankly at you.

"I love you, Y/N." Ryan gives out a low chuckle. "Take care of your eyes."


i got pretty emotional writing this
omg :(

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