Behind Close doors

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Victoria POV
Everyone knows I'm only hanging out with Leah so I could find out her secrets, who would be stupid enough to hang out with a nerd like her I bet she's even paying Lucas to be her friend. After I'm done playing besties with that little brat, she'll never know what hit her.

"Ugh Victoria!" Ashley shouted in that annoying voice of hers.

I rolled my eyes then took a deep breath

"Hey Ashley" I greeted her with the best fake smile I had.

"Did you find out anything about her yet" She whispered with hope in her voice.

"No not yet, but I'm working on it" I replied boringly.

"You better not mess this up, or I swear Leah won't be the only one that gets picked on" She threatened.

I'm use to Ashley threatening me, she basically does it all the time, but it's not like I can do anything about it.

After I expose Leah for the fake ass bitch she truly is, Ashley will be kissing the floor I walk on.

"Victoria!" She shouted waving her hand in front of my face.

It's not that I don't like Ashley but she's so annoying, like shut up sometimes, everything is about her and what she wants.

"What" I replied suddenly upset.

Before she could replied I walked away and didn't dear to look back, I pulled out my phone and messaged Leah it was time to get this over with.

Text Message

Me- Hey Leah, can I come over today my mom is going to be out late, (of course I was lying)

Leah- yea sure you can

I stuffed my phone back into my pocket and scanned the mall to see if anyone was looking then I pushed a bracelet I was currently looking on into my purse. After I took one more look to make sure no one was looking I walked out of the store.

No it wasn't my first time stealing, Ashley makes me steal stuff for her all the time, but this time I felt bad. Ever since I started hanging out with Ashley I've been doing bad in school, to be honest she's the only friend I have. Wait what am I thinking! Leah has turned me soft.

I hopped into a cab and sat patiently to arrive at Leah's house, I want to get this over with as soon as possible.

At Leah's house

We ate ice-cream and watched scary movie 4, I watched Leah for a while and wondered if I was doing the right thing, even if I was bullied at my own school no one deserves this.

"Hey I'll go get us more ice-cream" Leah said softly.

After she was gone, I started searching for what I came here for in the first place. My mind was telling me one thing but my heart was telling me another.

I searched her dresser, then her closet but I found nothing. Then it came to me, girls normally keep stuff under their pillows. I sat on her bed and raised the pillow then there it was, an old pink diary. My heart started to race, thoughts flooded my mind.

"Should I do this" I asked my self sadly.

Of course I should, this is the only how Ashley would start to have respect for me. I stocked her diary inside of my purse and decided to leave before I started to feel guilty.

I made my way downstairs while making up and excuse on why I had to leave.

"Hey Leah, my mom called and said I should come how as soon as possible,she didn't tell me why but I have to go I'm sorry" I said giving her one of my fake sad faces.

"Oh, that's okay I hope everything's okay though" She replied sadly.

I walked outside just in time to meet Lucas, oh great!

"What are you doing here" He said sending me death glares.

Everyone knows Lucas doesn't like me and the reason for that is because I pick on his best friend.

I decided to keep my mouth closed and just walk pass him. Even though I've got my back turned to him I can tell he was still watching me.

Something tells me Ashley is going to take advantage of this and Leah would never show her face at school again.


Sorry I took so long, thanks to story_girl_love for making my cover. Hope you enjoy this chapter there's only a few left. Don't forget to:



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