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jojo waz wierd butt i still thot she waz ok butt i haited her so i weant to the funiral nd sed"hi"2 avavry1 butt i hait them all nd they sed"y'd u leeve us?"nd i shruged nd kiled avary1 @ the funiral"MULTY-PERSON FUNIRAL"i yeled nd muzic sturted plaiing nd i denced nd myli cairus waz ther nd it waz awsome butt i haited her so she dyed nd i cryed cuz im relly bypolor nd then i feld a hend on me sholder so i turnd arond nd saw jojo nd i sed"hi"nd she sed"helo maddie i am a angle nd i waz send 2 help u inn lyfe"nd i sed"relly?"nd she laffed nd sed"no i werk 4 5 sause nd they telled me 2 kil u so u coud bee inn hel w/ them"nd i sed"ok"nd she kiled me nd i weant 2 hel.

"welcom 2 hel weave ben axpecting u maddie"satan sed nd i luuked to satan hoo waz actally a kitten so i pett it nd it dyed nd i took its spot on the trown nd i sees 5 sause"hi maddie wazzup"lukas sed nd i shruged"i kiled won directon, tiler oakily, troi seven, kilany again, arond 200 rendem peeple, nd myli cairus"nd calvin sed"we rased u rite maddie"nd they all tryed to hug me butt i sed"NO MADDIE IS GONE I AM SATAN ND I AM RELLY FIRETRUCKING MAD @ U GUIS 4 DYING ND IT WAZZNT LIEK I KILED U U BETCHES"nd i kiled them nd weant beck 2 the reel werld.

-bai zoe

Maddie Adupted Bai 5SOS // Maddie Ziegler & 5SOSWhere stories live. Discover now