Delicate Love

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Delicate Love

My love is a glass figure

It's delicate, fragile, and easily to drop

When my love breaks, my heart breaks piece by piece

My love in my heart is too delicate to break

If you break the figure, my body breaks when it hits the floor

It's hard to trust someone to hold my glass figure

If a guy breaks the glass, my heart shatters to a million pieces

For those of you who don't know, my love is a glass figure

Don't let it slip off your hands to where it can break

Because when it breaks, my love for you breaks too


Hey guys, long time no see

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while because everything was going through my mind and it's been some good, some bad.

Guess what I got....I got a and it's AngelsofSerenity16

Just follow me and I'll follow back

Also follow me on Instagram: mias_angel2016

Like I said, follow me and I'll follow back

Well I guess that's it for me.

Hope you enjoyed my update

And Share

P.S. I need more followers on Instagram.

Much love,
Mia Wade

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