Chapter 2

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Amythest's POV
I was swimming up to the surface, when my gem got a message. I was shocked cause this rarly ever happens I swam to the surface as fast as possible, and ran to the house. "Guys, guys!" I shouted. "Not now, Amythest." Pearl moaned. "But, my gem has a message." They both looked up. "Play it." Garnet said. I opened up the communicator, and Steven was there. "STEVEN!" Pearl shouted. "Get back here NOW!" "I-I can't!" He shouted. He's never been under this much stress before. "Why?" Garnet said. "Well.. Here is the thing." There where footsteps in the background. "Oh no! She's coming!" He shouted. "Who's she?" Garnet asked. "No time to explain!" He shouted. "But, Steven!" I yelled. He sighed "Let me just say this, all I remember is waking up in a laboratory." He said. "And now you must save me before I die, hurry!" We all gasped as the video went off. Pearl had a single tear from her eye. Now we had to to something, for Steven.

Steven's POV
"Uh, hi?" I said to the mysterious gem. She growled as she snatched my phone away. "You, you ruind my trust!" She shouted. "Now You'll going to die!" She flipped a switch as the pod glowed. All but the front closed up, kind of like Peridot's pod. These thing came up, and hooked to my arms, they where like vines, but as strong as chains. It was not soundproof though. "Now you'll take exactly a week to die, just so I can see you suffer!" I struggled to escape, but the vines held me down. "If your friends come, I'll turn it up to the Instant Death switch, so you better watch out." She then left the room. This was only the beginning of my week long death. I cried as the vines slowly drained my DNA, as it drained, it sounded like a heartbeat, almost at death.

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