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picture: the Hogwart's express


The steam from the Hogwarts Express drifted around Platform 9 and 3/4 in King's Cross Station in London.

I stood next to my mum and dad, watching all the students pile onto the train, lugging their trunks and owls and such, and kissing their parents goodbye.

"Now Elizabeth, you know what to do. Owl if there's any problems or signs of danger, and stay by Draco. He'll keep you out of harm's way." My mother, Gwendolyn Bradshaw, said to me.

"That's likely." I said sarcastically, knowing that Draco would sit in the farthest compartment from me as possible, just like he did every year.

My mum gave me a disapproving look.

"Try to be reasonable, please." She said.

I looked at my mum. She had dark circles under her eyes, her brown-blond colored hair was matted and knotty, and she looked extremely tired. She used to be so much prettier before...she got the Mark.

I was very close with my mother, and I was a little disappointed I didn't get a lot of my looks from her. She had dirty blond and soulful, light brown eyes, like me, while I took after my dad with his strawberry blond hair. I supposed I inherited his personality as well.

"Sorry, Mum. But you know Draco."

My mum nodded.

"Yes, I know, but now things are different and-"

"And you two are similar in many ways, so stay close." My father, Henry, interrupted.

I snorted.

"Yeah, similar in the fact that our parents are both Death Eaters? That's really similar."

My dad grabbed my arm, making my mum gasp.

"Quiet!" He hissed.

"Henry!" My mother warned.

My dad glared at me for another minute, then took his hand off me.

I backed up, rubbing my arm and taking my trunks and my cage that held my horned owl, Amber.

The train whistled, signaling that it was leaving soon.

"I'd should board the train." I mumbled.

My mum smiled and pulled me into a hug, her scent filling my nostrils. Tears pricked the back of my eyes, but I had to regain my composure. But I would miss my mum.

"Be good, my love." She said.

I nodded.

"I'll try."

My dad stepped forward now, but I flipped my hair over my shoulder and walked towards the entrance to the train, leaving my father in the dust.


I got onto the train, trying to find an empty compartment or at least one with my friends, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, Tracey Davis, and Daphne Greengrass.

I rolled my eyes at some Ravenclaw fifth years as they stared at me and continued walking down the aisle.

I soon found my friends all sitting in a compartment together with a few other Slytherin boys in our year.

I slid open the compartment door. Everyone looked up.

"Hi, Liz." Pansy said, using her nickname for me.

I looked around at the cramped compartment.

"Do you have room for one more?" I asked.

Pansy gave me a nervous look.

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