Urdina X Raphael ( remember the AND between the previous Raphina? )

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It's not what you think! There was a party at the lair ( That explains Dina's clothes ), everyone decided to play a tackling game ... and Raph and Dina ended up into this mess!

Raph's so gonna kill me now! O-o

Me: *Running for my life and screaming* Aaaaaaah! ... SOMEONE ... HEEEEELP! *A sai passes above my head by inches and I start screaming again!* Aaaaaaaaaaaaa....h!
Raph: 'M GONNA CUT YER HEAD DOWN, YA BASTARD ( Sorry for the language ) COME BACK 'ERE! *Running after me probably thinking about how to kill me*
Me: Noooooo...! *looks back and doesn't see Raph* Phew! Seems I lost him! *Suddenly Dina appears in front of me*
Dina: Hey, Leo. *smiles innocently, which turns to an evil grin*
Me: *gulps* You didn't see that. Did you?
Dina: I DID. *Draws a dagger and kisses the blade*
Me: *Wants to turn and run the way I came but sees Raph coming* Whatever! I prefer to die standing than to live on my knees. However even being on my knees won't work! GOOD BYE LIFE!

Good news!
I didn't die.
I waked up 2 days later in Donnie's lab. I managed a broken rib, a broken arm, two broken ankles, a broken nose, a swollen eye, several cuts and bruises on my body.
Totally I felt like I was hit by a truck
( Raph and Dina are worst than a truck! Believe me! )

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