Chapter One

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Dean sat in his favorite coffee shop, The Brew. Usually, he sat with his girlfriend, Lisa, but today was a rather gloomy day for him. The previous day, she broke up with him. He should've seen it coming; they had absolutely nothing in common.

He knew it was his fault that Lisa left. Because he was a hipster. He never really used the word, but that's what he was. And as he wallowed in self pity, he glanced over to a table to his left, and saw a boy with dark hair using his laptop.

Perhaps there was something about his black T-shirt with a white cat wearing glasses, or his little grey beanie with dark hair sticking out of the woven gaps, or the big black horn rimmed glasses that matched Dean's fake pair (which he wore because he could), but he was for some reason intrigued. And when the boy looked up from his laptop, seeming to know that Dean was watching him, he was entranced by the bluest eyes.

When they made eye contact, Dean quickly looked away, blushing a light shade of pink. This always happened to him. He would notice a cute girl or boy, and they would catch him staring and he would get all blushy and embarrassed. He was openly pan, so he noticed guys as well as girls. But he wasn't so open about being asexual.

He never liked to bring it up when he was romantically involved with someone, since they would probably judge him for not wanting to have sex. Being repulsed by it in fact. He dated a lot of promiscuous girls, and he knew that all guys think about is sex, so he usually kept it to himself.

He discreetly looked back over at the blue eyed boy, seeing a small smile on his lips. He returned the smile, still feeling embarrassed. He was quite prone to making a fool of himself, and it's always made him feel a little insecure, so he was glad this boy was smiling. That was usually a good sign.

Should he go and talk to him? No, of course not. That was the dumbest thing he could possibly do. Why would this beautiful blue eyed boy ever want to talk to him? He was too good for a guy like Dean, this was obvious with a single glance. But Dean would love to talk to him. Something told him he would be interested in a conversation with him.

No. This boy would never want to talk to him. This thought darted through Dean's mind just as the blue eyed boy closed his laptop and got up, approaching Dean's table.

What? Why? How? Dean was incapable of comprehending this. The cute boy was walking right up to him. Why?

The boy sat in front of him. "Hi," He greeted. "You look like you could use cheering up."

Dean chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "R-really? I - I do?"

"Yeah. So, did something happen recently? Something... bad?"

He reluctantly nodded. "Emphasis on bad. My girlfriend, Lisa, she... she broke up with me yesterday."

The boy took on a sympathetic look. "Sorry to hear that. Don't worry, though. She doesn't deserve you."

"What makes you say that? You don't know me."

A smile played at the boy's lips. "I know because instead of telling me to piss off, you've nobly decided to have a conversation with me. That's a rare case, believe me."

Dean found this hard to believe. "That can't be. I'm sure plenty of people would love to talk to you."

The boy chuckled. "Well, clearly we've never met. I'm Castiel. And you are?"

"Uh, Dean. I'm Dean. Nice to meet you, Castiel."

Castiel smiled warmly, showing off his dimples. "The feeling's mutual, Dean."

Dean was already liking this Castiel. He seemed like a really nice guy. That was all Dean wanted from a guy, or a girl; sincerity. He hated posers. "So... if you don't mind my asking, what was it you were doing on your laptop? You just seemed so laser focused."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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