Didn't expect that

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The corridors were buzzing with people, day in and day out the Order had been extremely chaotic. There were a lot of mishaps due to the team working too fast or getting tired and stuffing up their duties. 

Reever lifted his head from his desk, eyeing Komui from the other side of the room. He could just make out his figure beneath hundreds of stacks of books and paperwork. Komui looked like he could pass out any second. Both him and the science team had gone days without sleep.

Nothing was going to get finished around here if they didn't all take a little break and try to calm themselves down. Reever brought his chair over to the middle of the floor, stepping up onto it. He began to yell "That's enough for today. We start again tomorrow." As soon as the last word fell from his mouth, all scientists and exorcists fell to the ground with a sigh.  

The labs were soon empty - the scientists exited in a hurry to get to their rooms or the cafeteria. After a long line up Allen managed to get his food. Bringing it over to the table he plopped down beside Lenalee, Lavi, Kanda and yourself. You all offered him a weak smile, obvious you were all extremely tired. Reever entered the room dragging Lenalee towards the door. He whispered a few things, not anything the rest of you could make out. You saw Lenalee nod, her eyes turning back to the group and settling on you. She let out a huge grin. Uhoh, the group gulped turning their attention to you once more. "Looks like someone's planning something." you heard Lavi say mockingly.

You decided not to take much notice of it and continued finishing your meal. Afterwards the group headed out into the hall way only to be stopped in their tracks by Lenalee. "Well." she began. "You all look rather tired so I suggest we play a game." She continued speaking only to be cut off by Kanda. "Tsk!" he said before removing himself from the group. You all laughed as he exited the hallway.  

Everyone's heads shot up as they heard Lenalee say the words "Seven minutes in heaven." You winced your eyes. "Oh! look at that. The first duo has already been picked!" She squealed, dragging you down the hallway. Leenalee stopped at Komui's office, pushing you inside she turned the lights off and shut the door. 

Letting out a weak groan, you began to step forwards, making out the shadow at the end of the room. Your cheeks immediately lit up as you saw Komui fast asleep at his desk. He's so cute, you think to yourself. You walk closer towards him, removing some books and stacks of paper as to make him more comfortable. He looks like he'll have a sore neck when he wakes up if you don't lend a hand. Reaching your hand down to remove the last book-Just as you laid your hand on it, it was immediately swept up by Komui. He looked up at you with tired eyes, pulling you onto his lap. 

"Warn me next time." he whispered into your skin, sighing deeply as he made himself comfortable in his chair. You sat in his lap, shocked. You smiled to yourself cheekily before lifting your hands up to massage his shoulders. This earned you a deep, husky groan from Komui. You found it all the more appealing. You rested your head against his chest, seeing as though he was almost twice your size. You didn't mind though, he was warm and you felt comfortable being around him. Protected.

Komui suddenly exhaled which sent shivers down your spine. With a thud you were on the ground. Komui's large figure towering over you, he began to kiss you gently. Shocked at first, but you were soon to participate. He smiled deeply, resting his forehead on the ground beside you. Caging you beneath him, your bodies were so close you could feel his heart beating against your chest. After basking in the moment you turned to face him, leaving a small trail of kisses along his exposed neck. Komui grunted, taking his jacket off and throwing it away.  You traced your tongue along his neck, gaining some soft moans from Komui. The two of you were completely crimson, although you both enjoyed the company.  

He sat up once more, putting his weight on me. Komui took your appearance in before he gently removed your coat and then finally your shirt. Your cheeks blushed horribly as he stared in awe at your chest, licking his lips gently, he grasped at your legs and arms. Not allowing you to move an inch. "I'm sorry." he began to whisper, kissing you down the ridge inbetween your bra. "I just." He continued to kiss you, leaving love marks down your chest. "Couldn't help myself." With a sigh he closed the distance between you. Oh wow you didn't expect that. He was such a skillful kisser.. you envied that, although your thoughts were soon lost as he began to move his tongue towards your lips. 

You slid closer to him, after a few seconds you could no longer help yourself. You snatched up his kisses, yanking him down with force, you pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. Battling for dominance, not that it continued much longer. You hate to admit it but Komui was a much better kisser than you. You seized the moment as soon as he pulled away for air. You switched positions, now sitting firmly on his waist you watched him wriggle  about, moving closer to better position himself under you. His long arms stretched up your back, slowly touching you as he brought his hand down once more. His cold, long finger tips clasping around your sides.  

The two of you would have continued if it wasn't for Reever busting in through the door, "Alright kids, show's over. The point of this game was to give you energy for tomorrow. Not remove it completely."  The two of you giggled into each others lips, sliding off of him you placed your shirt on before standing up from behind the desk. 

Reever offered you a smile as you left, knowing full well Komui would be different tomorrow. Surely he'd finish his work. I mean, he has a reason to now. 

Komui Lee x Reader. Didn't expect that. (Seven minutes in heaven.) Where stories live. Discover now