| 1 | Home sweet Home

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A young man groaned and stretched his arms over his head, causing several loud pops to sound from his back. Adjusting his hat that he had adorned on his head since he was twelve, the male proudly surveyed the room full of furniture. Having recently moved away from his parents, he had finally sponged up enough money to afford a small home in Gravity Falls, a place where he had spent most of his summers as a kid. The house was nothing to brag about, as it was cheap enough to be bought by a nineteen year old that worked part time as a house renovator, but it was warm and homely. Plus, it also had two stories. The house was located not too far from the Mystery Shack, a tourist attraction owned by his money addicted relative, 'Grunkle' Stan.

Smiling to himself as the male replayed bittersweet memories of his adolescence at the Shack, he began to pick his way through the newly created maze of furniture over towards his unpacked suit case he had placed near his rather large mirror. After a few moments of violent weaving, the young man reached his bag, but not before he risked a quick glance at the mirror.

The male seemed to have never grown out of the clothes he had owned as a child. He wore an orange shirt that clung well to his tall frame, a blue vest, worn and dulled with age, draped over his shoulders and grey shorts that cut off just above his knees. Tufts of brown hair stuck out from under his cherished hat and his black sneakers seemed to shine in the bright afternoon light that streamed from a rather high up window.

Huffing, the male did his best to tame the
brunette hair that sprouted left and right from underneath his well worn blue and white hat. Giving a disheartened grunt as the hair almost instantaneously sprang back into place, the male shrugged before leaning down and quickly grabbing a rather large book out from his luggage.

The book was old, easily seen by the dog eared pages, and by the chipped golden hand imprinted on the front cover. On closer inspection, it was a journal.

Feeling a smile grow on his features, the man gently placed the tattered book into one of his hidden vest pockets, feeling relieved as he somehow drew comfort from the familiar weight.

The door slammed open, causing the brunette to jump and stumble back with fright. Hissing fearfully through his teeth, the male flailed his arms around trying to regain a small amount of balance, and pride. After a few moments of this bizarre act, laughter erupted nearby. That was all the floundering male needed, and he slipped, landing sound-fully on the floor.

The laughter continued as the man pressed his hat down over his eyes, face heating up in embarrassment as he recognised the voice.

"Oh god! That was just perfect, sorry about that, Dipper!" the voice snorted, amusement dripping from their words.

Exhaling slowly, Dipper couldn't help a grin tug at his lips. Raising his hat so it was in its former position, smiling sheepishly the male was finally to look at the owner of the voice.

It was a female with hair colour similar to that of Dipper's. She wore a large red-pink sweater with an image of a shooting star falling to the right imprinted on it. The female also wore a matching red headband and a purple skirt. She was clutching her sides from laughing too hard, showing her silver-grey braces.

Raising an eyebrow, Dipper unsteadily got to his feet, waiting for the sweater-wearing woman to stop her laughing fit. Wiping tears of bliss from her eyes, the female shut her mouth, causing her to snort occasionally as she tried to control herself.

Breathing in slowly, the woman flashed a smirk at Dipper.

"Sorry again, Dippin' Dots. I really didn't think you'd have that sort of reaction." There was no sympathy in her words, it was obvious that this was that exact thing she has expected, only not that extreme.

Rolling his eyes, the man dust himself off, curling his lip distastefully at the extremity of dirt that clung to his clothes and, inevitably, the floor.

"Whatever you say, Mabel." Dipper said playfully, putting on a mock look of hurt on his features as his sister stuck her tongue out at him, blowing a raspberry.

"Come downstairs! Grunkle Stan said he'd be leaving any minute!" Mabel sang, before bounding out of the room and down the stairs. Dipper smiled, enjoying the amount of utter energy and excitement that radiated off the bubbly woman.

Mabel had never truly gotten out of her 'overly happy and sparkly' phase. Sure, she had toned it down for the past few years for the sanity of their parents, but it had never truly disappeared. Dipper, on the other hand, had slowly grown more confident and quite a bit stronger, but had somehow managed to cling onto his obsession with mystery cases and novels.

Shaking his head, the male ran his fingers through his hair, smiling, before following his sister's example and heading down the stairs, albeit more calmly. As soon as he reached the last step, Dipper was engulfed in a tight hug, the air crushed instantly from his lungs.

Letting out a small squeal of panic, the brunette struggled against his the hug in an attempt to breath again. A low chuckle rumbled from the the attacker's chest, and they released the flustered male after a few more moments.

Dipper drew back, gasping and clutching his chest, as he filled his lungs with air.

"Sorry about that, Kid," A deep voice chucked "It's just great to see you again." Dipper huffed, before smiling widely at the man before him.
The person was a fair bit older from when Dipper had last seen him. He wore his signature dark suit and maroon fez. He also wore thick square rimmed glasses.

"It's good to see you too, Grunkle Stan." He laughed, genuinely happy to see him.
Flashing the younger man a grin, Stan ruffled the brunette's hair before proceeding to walk towards the door, waving.

"See ya', Kid! Stay out of trouble now, and have fun at school!" The older man chimed, a skip in his step as he walked out of the door. Dipper groaned, before forcing a smile onto his face, humouring his uncle as he waved at the retreating figure. Giving an amused sigh, his breath hitched as Mabel latched onto his waist quickly.

"I gotta go too!" The sugar filled woman chirped, looking at the quickly setting sun. "See you tomorrow, Bro?" The female held out her hand, grinning from ear to ear, cheeks rosy from excitement. The male gave an amused chuckle, before grabbing the outstretched hand.

"Sure! It's not like a have a choice," he laughed shaking on it, "See you tomorrow, Little Sis." Mabel puffed out her cheeks indignantly as Dipper's eyes glimmered. He enjoyed gloating about his recent growth, as Mabel had done with their age when they were younger.

"I'm still five minutes older, Youngin'' The female crowed, waving as she began to trot off.

"Whatever, Shortstack! See you soon!" Dipper laughed, saluting before heading back inside. Smiling to himself, he shrugged off his blue vest, he took the journal from the hidden pocket and threw the vest carelessly onto the couch. Rubbing his eyes, the brunette tiredly dragged himself up the stairs, the events of the day hitting him hard. Closing the door behind him as he entered his room, the young male drew the journal closer to his chest, breathing in its calming, dusty smell.

Dropping down onto his bed, he fell asleep in minutes oblivious to the last rays of sun light the pieced through his window.



OkaY this was meant to be a joke??

I don't own any of the characters or Gravity Falls !
Only the story line !

This will not contain any/many cannon events !

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