Chapter 1: Ouran Academy

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I was in my room fast asleep, having the most wonderful dream when the alarm on my phone went off, giving me a heart attack. I inhale sharply, holding my chest when Kiyomi, my maid came in, smiling brightly.

"Rise and shine, Princess. Time for school!" she exclaims. I sit up in my giant plush bed, the one really awesome perk to being rich, and tried to stay awake, my eyes drooping.

"Kiyomi, I said this before, you can just call me Kariko." I said slowly, trying to get it through her head. She just smiled, amusement sparkling in her eyes, and left. I slowly got off my plushy mattress and grabbed a brush, running it through my raven black hair, getting it out of my face and slowly got dressed. Since I hate dresses, I specifically asked for a male uniform. I just hate wearing dresses, I'm more of a jeans, sneakers, and t-shirt kind of girl. Because I don't like using the family limo I decided to walk. When I reached to the campus I walked through the huge doors and headed straight for home room, sat down at an empty table, propping my elbow against the hard surface and placed my cheeks on the palm of my hand, waiting for class to start.

When the teacher came in everyone returned to their seats and got quiet,

"Good morning. To start off, I'd like to welcome our new student, Kariko Hayashi." he said, the the room fulled with murmurs and whispers of confusion and snobby, cruel amusement.

"Hayashi? As in the royal family?" said one kid, before snickering, looking at me with cruel eyes.

"I think you have the wrong name! Aren't Hayashi's supposed to be very classy, elegant people? Not emo freaks with in drag!" exclaimed one girl before she trailed off into a cluster of cold giggles. I lowered in my seat while everyone busted out into laughter, pointing at me. As the class ended, I walked to my next class, my head bent down to my chest, shameful and embarrassed of what had happened earlier. Suddenly, I tripped on an outstretched foot. I fell to the ground, all of my papers went flying out of my folder, and everyone laughed. I scrambled to my knees and gathered my papers. I reached for my last paper when a hand reached for it too. I looked up and saw a boy with blonde hair and bright purple eyes, he handed me my paper and helped me up gently.

"Now what were you doing on the floor?" he asked, his voice smooth and soothing.

"I must have tripped. Thank you," I say sheepishly, pushing my hair behind my ear.

"Tamaki, Tamaki Suoh. President of the Ouran Academy host club! And you are?"

"Kariko. And that's all you need to know." I didn't want him to known my full name, I was unsure of how he would react if he found out I was a royal Hayashi. He just stared at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, a bit freak out.

"Hmm? Nothing, I was just admiring your beauty." he said as he brought my face to his, smiling charmingly. In the background I could hear girls screaming. I pushed his hands away pointedly and started walking away to my next class.

 My next period was a next period was gym which was pretty easy. After gym, I went to freshen up. I got undressed and stepped into the shower, the floor cold on my feet. Slowly, I started humming, then that humming turned to singing. I always enjoined singing, my sister always sang to me when I was sad or hurt. I always got picked on for liking rock instead of classical music. I found classical music so boring, so usually I sang songs from Linkin Park, The Cabs, Skillet, and Sleeping with Sirens, more to this century. .

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