Chapter 2: Grave Robbers

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Lightning's P.O.V.

Acelyn and Lightning snuck out of their houses and met up at the back entrance of the Stoneheart Cemetery. It was 12:00 sharp. Lightning stared into the dark, misty cemetery. He gulped and suddenly regretted his decision to sneak into a cemetery at 12:00 AM.

Acelyn noticed Lightning's nervousness and laughed, "You aren't scared, are you Littie?" She rolled her eyes at him and laughed.

"Don't call me that!" Lightning growled, clenching his fists. He tried hard to keep his anger down.

"Would you rather have me call you Flashlight?" Ace crossed her arms satisfactorily. She nodded towards the entrance signaling for Lightning to enter.

"Ladies first," Lightning waved his hand at the entrance and smirked. He could tell Ace was frightened, but she walked up to the entrance anyway. For some reason, the back entrance was always open, as if there needed to be a way to escape if something happens...

Ace was wandering around blindly in the cemetery, she couldn't see and she was cold and miserable. Lightning followed her cautiously; he was ready to flee at moments notice. They had only an idea where the grave was so they were squinting to read every grave they passed. Ace carried an old, dim, flashlight that flickered softly.

They had been wandering for what seemed like hours, and ended up at the main entrance to the cemetery. Lightning furrowed his brow and muttered, "If I know anything about my mom, it's that she would put the grave somewhere that wouldn't attract a lot of attention..." Then in a louder and clearer voice, Lightning announced, "If the grave is not in the back left-ish of this cemetery, I'll eat my shirt!" Ace burst out laughed. Clueless Lightning had no idea what was so funny.

"You'll- ha-eat-haha-your shirt? Hahahaha!!" Ace gasped between breathes, holding stitches in her sides. In her fit of laughter, Ace had dropped the flashlight, and it flickered to darkness.

"Ace! Now how will we find th-" Lightning had started to yell, but he abruptly stopped. Ace looked over to where he had been standing, but he was gone. There was no one in sight.

Ace's P.O.V.

Ace whirled around calling his name over and over, but he was no where to be seen. Her heart was clenched with fear. She heard a twig snap, and started to nervously walk forward in utter darkness. Then, she heard footsteps crackling in the underbrush, seemingly coming closer, and she broke into a full out run. She thought she was running towards the back exit, but had sprinted to the very heart of the cemetery. Ace did not realize where she was until she crashed into the pedestal of a statue. On the pedestal, there were words. She squinted to read the print in the dim lighting of the night. The engraving in the stone read, "Beware the heart of stone." Ace shook her head to clear her mind from the crash into the stone pedestal. She looked again, but there was no writing to be seen on that pedestal. She wondered, had she imagined it? a trick of the mind? But over all things, the thought nagging her the most, was "the heart of stone." What does that even mean? It was eerily familiar, but Ace couldn't quite put her finger on why.

Ace breathed slowly, and got up. She knew what she saw in the stone was probably a message. She was jolted with an abrupt recollection of how she came to be in the middle of the cemetery, and of the footsteps. She jogged towards where she thought was the back entrance with great perturbation. Little did she know, she was headed towards the back left area of the cemetery. Ace was starting to feel a little less uneasy until she tripped over a gravestone and face-planted in the grass. She spat out some grass and looked up. She couldn't believe her eyes. The gravestone in front of her read the name of Diana Loch.

The wind picked up, but Ace didn't notice. As if she was possessed, she slowly lifted a shaky hand up and brushed it across the letters. There was a rumbling in the earth underneath her, and a tempest started to swirl around her. All of a sudden, the ground beneath her was gone, and she fell into a small antechamber. In the middle was a stone pedestal, but nothing lay atop it. She creeped around the pedestal and looked down a long tunnel that was hidden behind it in the shadows. Curiosity nagged at her, and she started down the tunnel. Ace had never been known for being very circumspect.

Ace had been walking down the tunnel for what seemed like hours. The tunnel had no twists or turns, it just continued strait, unless the darkness had her disoriented this whole time. She kept walking, but couldn't help worrying about Lightning. Why had he just disappeared like that? Her feet had started to drag, but she felt the room open up into a large chamber. Torches on the wall were suddenly lit up, and Ace could not believe what she saw...


I hope you enjoyed the second chapter! Sorry for the delay!


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