Chapter Five- There was this Spider

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The door slowly edged back just as I was licking the chocolate icing from my fingertips. Popping my index finger from my mouth, I moved on to the next one making sure to lick the chocolate off slowly, just for show. As I finished off the last of the chocolate icing remnants, I gazed up at Jack who stood in the doorway of the bathroom. My eyes slowly trailed from his feet to his thighs, then a little higher to  where his jeans seemed to be rather snug. I licked my lips subconsciously, then continued to look at him until my eyes met his. 

His jaw was clenched and his eyes were hungry. Thankfully the bubbles hide most of me, then again I think he saw enough of me last night to conjure a picture. I slide my hand from my neck to my the tops of my breasts, sliding the soap across my slick skin. And before my hand could slide down any further, two strong hands slid underneath me lifting me up and out of the tub. My feet hit the cold tile and the arms left me only to be replaced by the plush of a towel.

As quickly as the plush hit my skin, it left and I was in Jack's arms again. He was focused, hell bent on carrying me to the bedroom. We would have already been there, had I taken a shower in my own bathroom. Our breathing was heavy as Wall Street sat me down on the bed, the sheet I had wrapped around my body early that morning still strewn across the floor. I eagerly grabbed at his belt, tossing the strip of leather god knows where as I struggled to get him out of his pants. 

"Easy Car," He said huskily as I practically ripped the jeans off of him. 

"Don't tell me easy, Jack." I whispered back harshly, obviously overwhelmed with lust for the handsome beast. "Not when I have you right in front of me, like this." I said, my eyes trained on the straining elastic of his black Calvin Klein briefs. 

Wall Street pushed me on my back with a growl, something snapped when I called his name. It's as if he suddenly wanted me even more than before? He quickly threw his shirt backwards, hitting a perfume bottle off of my dresser, causing it to smash against the hardwood floor. 

"Sorry," he grunted. Jack's hands were all over me, at my thighs, my hips, my oh-so aching breasts. 

"Just fuck me already," I responded back in a sigh of frustration. He quickly obliged and ripped the lace panties straight from my body while my hands slipped through the opening in his briefs to free him. 

Finally, we were getting to it. If I was honest with myself, I had been imagining this since I woke up this morning. The utter out of body experience, the pleasure, it was sheer heaven. I couldn't even begin to describe what sex was like with him. 


My ear was pressed against his chest, which was still heaving slightly from our previous activities. From the window, little rays of gold illuminated the room, the curtains prevented all of the light from entering so shadows of darkness still filled the corners. It was nice, Jack stayed quiet as we laid there only occasionally letting out a content sigh as he twisted my hair around his fingertips. 

We only began to stir when his phone rang, and breaking out of our trance our legs untangled as he reached for his phone.

"Hello?" He answered, quickly clearing his throat to sound more like himself. "Oh, okay, right. Yes, I understand. No, no it's not your fault. Great, thanks. Take it easy, Leo."

The instant he said his name, I jumped. Like literally jumped right out of bed, unfortunately knocking my elbow right into Jack's eye as I did. 

"Jesus woman, after the mind-blowing sex we had this is how you repay me?" He groaned, his hand instantly going to his wounded eye.

"Shit, shit, shit! I'm so sorry, it's's just there was this spider." I said swiping a hand over the sheets to further my point before crawling up beside him. I carefully laid my hand over his, pulling it away so I could see the damage I had caused. I tried not to grimace, the skin was already turned a pretty nasty bluish black. 

"Spider, huh?" He questioned, his eyes sweeping over the surface of the bed before returning to me. "Well jeez, I'm sure it's pretty bad but you don't need to cry over it. It was an accident, Car." Jack said softly, his finger wiping up the tear I hadn't even noticed had escaped. 

"Yeah, I know," I said, sniffing and wiping away at my face to clear away any more stray tears. "I'm really sorry. I'll go get some ice, be right back." I quickly dashed up from the bed, this time being more mindful of my limbs. I pulled on his tee shirt which now rested on my dresser, and went to walk towards the door when I stepped on the crushed glass of my once $200 bottle of Chanel perfume. 

"Bloody hell!" I yelled, hitting the wall as I limped along. Jack began to walk over to me when I held out my hands urging him to stay back. "There's glass everywhere, stay there I'll clean it up." I pulled out the shard that had embedded itself in my foot and hobbled into the kitchen. I wrapped my foot in a makeshift paper towel bandage before getting a hand-held vacuum out of the closet. 

After I was satisfied that the glass was cleaned up, I plopped back down on the bed beside Jack. I rolled onto my side to meet his lingering gaze when I realized I had forgotten his ice. "Oh shit, I totally forgot about you. Let me get you a bag of frozen peas or something." I muttered, sitting back up, but before I could move from the bed a warm hand wrapped around my wrist tugging me backward.

"I'm okay, besides I can think of another thing that might help with the pain." He grinned suggestively. His hunger was definitely one to rival with my own. 

Being mindful of both of our injuries, I carefully moved to straddle him. Wall Street's hands instantly adorned themselves to my hips, his long shirt still covering my most important bits. "God," he hissed, "You are so fucking sexy in my shirt."

I grinned and pushed him back so that he laid flat against the pillow. And for the fourth, or was fifth, time that day we had glorious, GLORIOUS, sex. 

A/N: Yes I know, super short! Hopefully, I'll get more time soon to write a more substantial chapter, but until then this filler will have to do! 

xo Kat

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2015 ⏰

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