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Name; Phoenix, (Her last name is unknown.)

Gender; Female.

Sexuality; Straight.

Looks; Palish skin, dark blue eyes with hazel flecks that change to green with more hazel in them. Darkish brown hair with a very few almost unnoticeable natural blond highlights.

Age; 18.

Species; Death~God (Reaper), Shapeshifter, and a Fire elemental.

Personality; Natural born leader, she is nice, kind, and caring, along with very protective over her few friends. She loves meeting new people. She doesn't like talking unless something NEEDS to be said. She is also very tactical. Once you really get close no one can ever get her to shut up, she's a bundle of energy (literally.) and loves pranking people, or other species so watch out!!

BackStory; very long so I need to work on that XD

BackStory; very long so I need to work on that XD

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