Caught black handed?

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How could he?

I thought he was good, I never knew they got to him. They will be coming for my sister and I next. This can't be happening. We have to move from here.

I know. Why would you think, in a city like Toronto, dangerous things like this happen. It's been 2 years since the world has changed. People whom have bad intentions, bad nature, bad attitude have a jet black heart.

Nobody knows who they are, until you rip out their heart but that causes them to die.

I killed him. I killed my own father but after all he did, he deserved it. How could he? Rape my mother. How could he kill her? How could he leave me.

Children whose parents are gone because of it have to go into special care. And that's where I am headed. To the sanctuary.

I'm in a van with several other kids, well I think they are kids. There's this girl, she has purple hair and looks very pale but beautiful.  Beside her is a boy who also has purple hair, he doesn't look our age but he looks attractive.

The way his mouth moves while he talks, the way the end of his mouth curves when he smiles. It's mesmerizing.

He looked at me and gave me a small but attractive smile. I returned the small kind gesture.

"Melanie, talk to her she seems lonely" I hear him say.

"I'm not lonely" I say quietly.

His girlfriend is attractive too, I wonder why she'd wanna talk to me anyways.

"Come sit with us" says Melanie.

"Um okay" I say unsure.

I move next to Melanie but Melanie insists I sit in between them.

"I don't want to come in between you and your boyfriend" I say to Melanie.

The boy with purple hair laughs and so does the girl.

"Us? Dating?" the boy asks.

"That would be gross dating my brother Michael" Melanie says.


A beautiful name.

"I'm sorry I thought you guys were together" I say a bit embarrassed with my cheeks flushed. Maybe that's why Melanie and Michael are so beautiful. They are both siblings but with purple hair?

"I like your eyes" says Michael with that mesmerizing smile again.
I covered my eyes, they are brown and disgusting. They are dark brown.

"These aren't much, your eyes are beautiful" I say a bit flushed again.

"Why be so embarrassed?" Michael asks.

"Because I'm different" I say not taking my eyes off the ground.

"We all sort of have the same story here" Melanie says.

That's when we shared our stories. Melanie and Michael never had parents. They don't know where they came from.

We talked, laughed and cried a little bit too on our ride. There were many bumps along the way. Stupid Canada, why can't they fill in their pot holes.

I looked through the window tired and soon my eyes closed. I fell asleep. Dreaming of him.

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