Chapter 26

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(And up there my friends is a beautiful photo of when Taylor liked my photo the other day my instagram is significantmendes BTW)

(He also liked it September 30th and I'm going to a Shawn concert March 5th whoo)

Taylor's POV

I smiled at my phone, re-reading the texts. I'm so happy he's okay, I'm proud of him. He's been through a lot this week and I'm proud that he hasn't broken down. I think he'll be coming over here, so I'm gonna get everything set up. I want to try and make this as special for him as it is for me.

I got up out of my bed and strolled over to my closet, picking out a regular collar shirt and some skinny jeans with vans. I ran into my living room and looked at some of my movies, trying to figure out what to watch.

I eventually decided on High School Musical, the best movie ever. I put it into the dvd player and watched the really old trailers for really old movies as I made Shawn's favourite muffin and some actual dinner. I finished in about 20 minutes and put the plates down on the coffee table in front of the couch, I got some warm blankets from the dryer and threw those on the couch, and I made some hot chocolate and put the mugs down on the table as well.

When I was done with everything, I stood up and viewed my work. Everything looks pretty good, considering I set it all up. I checked the time, it was about 8:30, I need to go pick up Shawn now. He's probably waiting..

I texted Shawn saying that I'm coming to pick him up, so make sure that he's ready.

*Skipping car ride nothing important.*

I parked on the side of the road and stepped out of my car, in front of Shawn's house. No other car was there so he seemed to be home alone. I walked up to his front door and rang the bell, hearing his feet stamping down the stairs and unlocking the front door.

He looks so cute.
An oversized grey sweater and some leggings, a pair of high top converse sneakers. He looks so fucking adorable.

"Hey Shawn, you look comfy." I laughed, holding out my hand for him to grab. When he did they were cold and soft, and it sent chills down my spine. I never thought I'd love holding someones hand so much, especially Shawn's.

I walked him to the car and drove us home, parking in my driveway. I grabbed his hand again and helped him out of the car, and walked him to the door.

"Wow what gentleman." He laughed, sarcastically.

"I'm trying to be a good friend, your highness." I bowed, laughing along with him.

We walked into the living room together, which smelt like carbohydrates (which would be the pasta) and chocolate (which would be the muffins). He took a deep breathe as the scent of chocolate chip muffins wafted into his nosy nose. He lit up with a huge smile and looked at me, eyes glistening in the mood lighting.

"You made muffins! My favourite kind too!" He squeaked. I smiled and laughed gently.

"Haha, yes I did, muffin. I thought you needed a little pick me up." I said as I winked. He bounced in his spot, excited for our movie night. I was still laughing when he grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. A kiss. Not a peck, a kiss. It was refreshing, he tasted sweet, but I can't exactly pinpoint what he tasted like. The words that come to mind when I think of this taste, is sugar petals. When Shawn kissed me, he tasted like sugar petals.

We stayed together for a few seconds, almost a minute. A long, held out embrace. He pulled back and smiled at me, and I think his smile was even better than the kiss.

"Thank you, Tay."

[There was more but I accidentally dELETED IT ALL.]

Depressed (Shawn-X-Taylor; Shaylor)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora