The smutty smut smut

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this may or may not turn out well. Enjoy the smut! FYI this starts off as them texting each other.


Louis: Harry I'm horny. Where are you?

Harry: I'm home Louis

Louis: Come to my room and suck me off?

Harry: Why should I Lou? You know I'm tired of all this.

Louis: Because I love you and you love me which means you like pleasuring me.

Harry: You don't love me the way I love you. You love me as your best friend who likes to pleasure you. We talked about this before and no. I'm not coming to your room tonight.

Louis: But I do love you as more than a  friend. I told you this already. I wish you would come please me

Harry: I'm not in the mood Louis

Louis: Please Harry? *insert picture of bulge in Louis pants* I'm dying over here!

Harry: Fuck. Louis, stop. No I won't

Louis: Please Harry? I love the way your lips mold so perfectly around my dick and the way the feel. You know what you're doing and it feels great.

Harry: Loueh.. please, for God's sake, stop

Louis: But babe. Your lips are so perfect and they shouldn't be wasted. *insert picture of louis pouting*

Harry: You are so perfect.. God I want you so bad Louis

Louis: Then come up here and I can make you feel the pleasure too ;)

Harry didn't reply. Instead, he stood up and rushed over to Louis' room. Once Harry was outside Louis' room, he knocked lightly on the door and whispered, "Lou?" Louis smiled on the other side when hearing Harry's voice out there. "Come in Hazza!" Louis called a little loudly. The door slowly opened and Harry appeared from behind it. He quietly made his way to Louis bed and blushed a little, "I-I am worried about the boys, what if they heard me?" Harry chuckled nervously and covered his mouth with his hands.

Louis smirked and responded with confidence, "Actually, they aren't home currently." He laughed quietly at Harry's wide eyes and blushing form. Harry smiled before sitting down next to Louis on his bed. "I've missed you. I mean like.. I miss staying with you like this" Harry explained softly and looked down at his lap. Louis frowned a little and used two fingers to move Harry's chin up to look at him. Louis smiled at Harry and spoke softly, "Don't look down love."

Harry's cheeks turned a light rose color as he blushed. "ok Lou." Harry said softly. He then looked Louis in the eyes and asked while blushing fiercely, "So what are we gonna do? Will you fuck me?"

Louis laughed quietly and smiled, his smile was so wide that his eyes were more like slits and there were crinkles by his eyes. "Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked in all seriousness. Harry didn't hesitate before responding with, "yes 100%. Please." Harry begged and pouted a little. Louis smirked and looked at Harry mischievously. "Please what?" He said huskily in a seductive way. Harry could feel his face heating up and immediately shook his head quickly. "no! I'm not saying that! No way!" He rushed out while blushing fiercely. Louis tsked and shook his head. "Wrong answer bad boy. I guess you really don't want it, do you?" Louis said this because he knew that Harry would crack.

"No! I do! I do want it! Just, I don't wanna say that. It's embarrassing." Harry said quietly and blushed while burying his face in Louis chest. Louis chuckled quietly and shook his head. "Babe, I'm the only one that would hear you. Do it or you get punished." Louis whispered seductively in his ear.

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