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Jess's Pov

Fighting sucks, being mad at Kimmy sucks, leaving was never my intention. I just couldn't take it anymore. She was saying how Michael hasn't even changed, and she's right. He's never gonna change but there's a part of me that hopes he does.

I've fallen, and pretty hard I might add. God I'm such a fucking idiot. Michael Clifford is an asshole. Always has and always will be. I'm stupid for thinking I could. But if Michael wouldnt, why Cal. He's just like Michael. He doesn't give a shit about anything or anyone. I know what I have to do, I'm gonna see what this kid is all about. If he's changing and really likes Kimmy then I'll back off. If not than he's at the top of my damn hit list.

I pulled out my phone and texted Michael asking if he knew where Calum lived. Of course he questioned why and I said I need to apologize for something. After that he sent me his address and I was off.

-At Calum's House-

I was scared to knock. He probably thinks I'm a psycho or something. Oh fuck this I knocked and a girl who looked kinda similar to Calum answered. "Hi, I'm looking for Calum." She smiled and let me in. "LITTLE BROTHER!!!! THERES A GIRL FOR YOU!!" He came running down the steps and stopped in his tracks. The same expression from earlier reappeared on his face. "Hey, can I talk to you?"

He just nodded and then motioned for me to follow him. I walked into what I'm guessing is his room. It wasn't what I expected, there was a soccer ball and guitar in one corner and then a bed and tv. Simple room decor. "Look. I just came to apologize. I know I seemed very, very harsh earlier and I'm sorry." Sorry was not in my vocabulary at all. I only say it when I mean it. And this time I mean it.

"It's okay, I know your just trying to protect your little cousin." He sat down on the bed. "I know but what I did was uncalled for. It's just that, sometimes people don't change. Question is are you one of those people?" Without any hesitation he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Look Jess, I really like your cousin. I'm really trying my hardest to show her that I can be someone other than what everyone thinks I am. I'm not some dïck that is cold, I have a heart, I have feelings. Especially for Kimmy. Can you just please give me a chance and prove it to you?" I was speechless, he has feelings? He's not dead on the inside.

"Fine, but hurt her and your ass is mine!"

/ / /


Hey, hey, hey, it's fat Albert!!! (Fat Albert voice)
Jusss keen guys well I wrote this in the nurse because why the fück not? Enjoy my part bïtches ✌

Jess.xx (ps y'all really aren't bïtches)

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