Ch.6 Park slide

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"WHY THE HELL IS HE IN OUR HOUSE!?!" She screams and does the sign of the cross on herself and says "God save him." . I just look at her in disgust and roll my eyes. I have no clue when him being gay didn't bother me anymore and my moms homophobia did. "Mom!! Shh!! You're gonna wake him up!!" I said no quieter than her defeating my point in a way. "Why is he in our house?! No homosexual is allowed in here!!!" My mom ranted but I just put him on my bed. "Mom. Look at his arms. Look at his eye. Look at his stomach and thighs. Look at how dead he looks!!!!" I said trying to be as quiet as I could but still get my message into her head. "That's what happens when you're a homosexual!!! That's how God punishes you!!!" My mom retorted. "He starves himself to the point where he faints and we can see all of his bones!! He cuts himself so he can feel something!!! His father beats him at home!!! Plus he's beaten at school!!" I said stomping my foot in anger. HOW COULD SHE BE SO IGNORANT?!


I wake up to screaming. I'm not sure what I should do so I grab onto Jerome's shirt tighter and pretend to be asleep and listen. "Get away from him Jerome! You're going to catch his gay!!" I hear who I'm guessing is hims mom say. "So what if I do or already did?!" Wow. I never thought I would hear him say that. "What if I am gay mom?! What if Mitch is my boyfriend?!" I was shocked and I'm guessing his mother was by the gasp I heard. "Get out...get out of my house...NOW!!!!!!!!" I hear his mom scream and I start shaking because of all the yelling. "FINE!" I hear Jerome say and his mother leave the room. "'ll all be okay need to be crying or shaking..." All I did was nod and kept crying and shaking. What do I do? I think I just got him kicked out of his own house for god's sake!!!
"I-I'm so sorry!! This is my fault! Please just let me go!!" I say and try to get out of his grip but he holds me still on his lap "no! I'm leaving this house!! I can't sit around here and listen to my mother anymore!!!!!" He yells at me and I cower. He sighs and continues, "I'm sorry for yelling...I'm just.....mad at my mom" I nod and he puts me down on his bed and gets up and starts putting his clothes into a suitcase. "W..what are you doing?..." I stutter. "Packing my things. We're leaving...I'm guessing you don't really..have anything at home?" I shake my head and he sighs, "you can wear some of my clothes until I can get a job and get you some suitable clothes" he then walks over to me and kisses my head. I sit there in shock and disbelief. Did...did he just kiss me?!?! I mean it wasn't like a KISS KISS but.. It was still a kiss!!! I blush and he looks away from me really fast and zips his suit case. "Cmon, I'm packed and I've got all my money" I stand up and he grabs my hand and we leave the house his mom following us out screaming gay slurs and insults at us as we walk. I'm gonna be honest, I'm so fucking confused and scared. What's going on?! Is this all just some sick joke?! I'm not sure...but If he is planning on killing me, I wouldn't mind honestly..."cmon, we're gonna find somewhere to stay." I just nod and follow him his grasp on my hand becoming stronger.

Soon it became dark and we stopped at a play ground. "I'm sorry...this is gonna have to do for tonight..." I just nod and he leads me to under the slides. He puts a blanket down and lays down and tells me to lay down next to him. He grabs me around my waist and hugs me close to his body. I blush and just accept cuz I don't want to be hurt. I'm tense against him and my whole face has gone red. "Relax's okay, I'm here..." He softly whispers in my ear softly tickling it a bit. I'm really not sure what to think but I try to relax and close my eyes as I fall asleep in Jerome's arms under the slide in the cold autumn night.

((THERE YALL GO!!!! NOW YOU OWE ME A COOKIE, A HUG, AND BOB NOW HAS A HOUSE!!!! Also, if we got any artists out there, were in need of a new cover for this book! Just keep in mind that it's about human Jerome and Mitch not baca and Minecraft ish. Anyway! Hope ya enjoyed! :D ))

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