Chapter 20

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" What?!" Fatima screamed and I wiped my face with some tissue paper.

" What the hell do you mean you are pregnant?"Fatima was shrieking.

" I mean just what you heard. " I said. 

 "You are kidding right? You can't be pregnant! No, I'm not accepting this. You are lying. I know you are not pre..." Fatima was yelling by now.I threw the plate of fries aside and covered Fatima's mouth.

 " Shut up! Someone will hear you. " I said glaring at her.

 Fatima glared at me back before pushing me away.

" Don't you shut me up, lady! I have all the right to act in this way. Oh my Allah! Oh my goodness. I still can't believe you Neha. Astaghfar Neha, What have you done? Please say you are joking. " Her voice was a lot lower than before. Fatima looked at me pleadingly but when she saw my face. She knew it. It was not a joke. She kept both of her hands on her face breathing in and out. 

" What month? " Fatima asked in a small voice. 

" 2nd." Fatima shook her head.

" Have you seen the doctor?"

 " No." I answered.

" Then how can you be so sure? " Fatima asked.

" I'm not having my periods, Fati. " I sighed. I decided not to tell her about the test in my bag, I wanted to do it once I was alone.

" Someone please kill me now. " Fatima groaned. " You really think he's going to come back? " I gave her a are you for real look before saying,

" Of course. He loves me. " I said picking up the fries from the bed and keeping it back in the plate. What a waste of food. I thought.

" Oh Neha, please tell me you know where he is right now. " Fatima said messaging her temples.

" I know where he lives. But I really don't know where he is right now. " I said like it was a no big deal.

 " Why did he have to vanish for a month? Where did he go? " Fatima wanted to know everything, not because she was curious but because she was worried. 

" Ummm... you could say that he's not really something Dad would be proud of marrying her daughter to."

" What do you mean?" Fatima was confused.

" Fatima he doesn't belong to us." I said trying as hard to keep the actual secret in.

" You mean he's not rich? He doesn't fit in our society?" Fatima asked.

" Yes. That's exactly what I mean." I said sighing.

" And what exactly do you think he'll do in a months time to get rich? Rob people? " Fatima said mockingly. I gave a weak smile to hide my nervousness and said,

" No. Just the opposite. Fatima, I don't know what exactly he'll do in a month's time. But hell, that's all I know. And I guess I'll have to wait for two more weeks to find out." I said.

" Neha I'm sorry, but he looks like a total fake." Fatima said and I saw how worried she was. Loving someone and waiting for him while you prepare for your wedding with someone else was one thing. But doing all that and being pregnant as well took you to a whole different level. It was something more than madness. 

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