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I sat watching as the girls sat around the huge hotel suite, getting either their hair or make up done. I picked to go last since the hair style they wanted to do was simple. As was the make up. Normani, tapped away at her phone, probably making plans with her friends once our break started. Dinah chatted happily with her mom. Ally stood in front of a full length mirror, tugging at her top, looking rather uncomfortable with the collar. And Camila was on her phone too, texting Shawn. I'm sure.

We just got off our summer tour, where the tension only grew between everyone. Through that whole time we have all been able to keep it together. It's just like there's this low cloud over us. I can feel that this break will be different than our others. We all just need to distant ourselves and find some peace. Lord knows we need it.

"Lo, do you like it?" Ally came and stood in front of me, pouting.

"Yea. It's hot." I winked.

"Promise? I don't feel so confident in it."

"Come on, you rock anything they put on you."

"Thanks, Lauren." She smiled shyly before hugging me then running off.

When it was my turn for hair and make up, I whipped out my phone. Tweeting the hashtag for our nomination tonight, than checking my messages. Mostly text from my family and friends back home either telling me good luck or they can't wait to see me on tv. Then I notice one from someone I hadn't seen in a whole month.

I'll be seeing you tonight...? Right? RIGHT?!

I couldn't fight the shit eating grin I got. It was from my new friend Ashley, or as she's known, Halsey. Well not so new friend. I heard her music awhile back and managed to DM her letting her know I liked it. From there we fell into this little twitter DM friendship. It was only awhile ago that I went to the concert she was opening for to hang out, that she gave me her number.

L: Of course! Maybe even after?

"Laureeeen..." I heard the familiar whine come from across the room.

I looked up and over at her, similiar to Ally, she was pouting too. God, whatever funk we are in needs to go. I do however know why she's upset. I can tell just by looking at her. She's doesn't like her hair. She didn't like it when they did it on her before. So I doubt she's digging it right now.

"Camilaaaa." I mocked her going back to my phone.

H: Hell yea! I know some great after parties. You can come and the girls too.

L: Awesome! Looking forward to it already.

"Look up, hun." Clarissa the make up artist called my attention. I locked my phone and let her cover me in make up. Such a fun half hour to sit through.

As we were all being herded to our huge mini bus to depart to the VMAs, I noticed Camila looked rather nervous. She was rocking back and forth in her heels, twirling her phone around. And being the good person that I am, I asked her what was wrong.

"Shawn's going to be there."

"He is?" I quirked a brow.

That was news to me. I know she went to his concert last week and they hung out after. She talked about it the whole way to New York. I guess they kissed which led to a make out session. Her and Dinah gushed over the whole thing. Mani and I just rolled our eyes. Camila always gets boy crazy. It already happened with some of the guys we've toured with. Well I shouldn't just say guys. She goes gaga over anyone. Even me.

"Yep. Do I look okay? I'm not feeling my hair." she leaned in and whispered the last part, looking around hoping no one was in ear shot.

"You look fine." I replied, reaching up to tuck her lose hair back a bit.

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