Konoha Shinobi Act II

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or the original story of this anime. This is only a fanfiction which was created by my fanatical, imaginative mind. I made the original plot of this fiction way back when the Anime was only airing Episode 109, which is the episode where Sasuke left the village. The original story line of my fic, however was changed somehow because of Shippuuden episodes and the manga updates. You might find some storylines in this fic which is almost the same as in the Anime. However, some events happened late or some characters were killed by a different person. Well, anyway this is fanfiction after all, so anything might happen! And besides this fiction created a whole new era of for Naruto. I hope you enjoy the fic!! Please R&R.

Note: The prologue has 4 Acts which is mostly about the original characters. However, the entire story (starts on Chapter 1) revolves around my own fictional characters, who happens to be the children of my (and yours I believe) favored Naruto couples. Don't worry, the original Naruto characters are still incorporated in the story!

Author's Note: Please be patient in waiting for the next chapters. Please Read and Review. Again I don't own anything here, the characters or even the setting of the story. All that I own is the plot of this story. Hope you enjoy reading!

Act 2: Ties

The vivid sun reaches the earth with his warm rays. By the fading light it gives, the trees appear to be ablaze. Unruffled breeze waft down out of the clouds and on the leaves. The wind blows a leaf inside the window of the Hyuuga clan's place. The leaf was like an anbu, eagerly listening to every conversation that is happening within.

"As the next leader of the main family, you shall marry." Hiashi said.

"But... but to whom father?" asked the stunned Hinata.

He looked at Hinata sharply, "Since you're a girl, you need to marry someone from our clan, Neji..." he turns his gaze at the male Hyuuga standing next to him.

Neji stare at him with questions in his eyes, "Yes uncle?"

"I want you to marry Hinata on her 18th birthday."

"WHAT?!" Hinata and Neji looked at each other, obviously irritated with Hiashi's decision.

******** "You what? But you're cousins right?" Naruto said as he shifted his sight from Hinata to Neji.

"Yes, but... uncle wanted me to marry Hinata so the surname 'Hyuuga' will not be lost in the main family."

"That's ridiculous! Just for the surname? Traditions are really troublesome" Shikamaru exclaimed as he rested his hands at his nape..

"What are you going to do now?" Tenten asked them sincerely.

Hinata sighed and looked downwards, "We don't know..."

"Hmm..." Kiba said, "Maybe if the two of you got married with other people before Hinata's 18th birthday you'll be..."

"Oh come on Kiba!" Naruto chided, "What kind of idea is that? You know that they couldn't do that because..."

"Well that's it! I have an idea!" Shikamaru said as he grins with contentment.

"What's that idea? Make sure it'll really help us out. Remember Hinata's 18th birthday is..." Tenten didn't finished because she realized something which makes her alarmed, "HINATA'S 18TH BIRTHDAY IS 2 DAYS FROM NOW!!!"

The others panicked, "Yah you're right!!!"

***** Sakura had returned to Konoha and she was astounded by the news. "Hinata-chan and Neji-kun? But, how do you feel about it Naruto?"

Naruto's cheeks turned red upon hearing the question, "What are you saying Sakura-chan?"

"Don't deny it, I know you already like Hinata-chan." Sakura teased.

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