Chapter 1~

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Baileys POV
School was a hell hole. Different people, groups and minds. Let's just say everything in school is different. I was in the clever nearly classes, I had to get straight a's. There was plenty if different groups in school
I wasn't really in a group. I was with my closest friends Jaycee, Eleanor and Cody. We are all so random and smart at times. We laugh and read books at lunch while sitting on the grass. I was say we have a pretty normal friendship group to be honest, well it was until I fell in love...
There was this boy in the same year called Niall, he was the bad of the school, I would always catch him starring at me which I found creepy, but I liked it. Well that day I went to my locker to get my books out for lunch when I felt a tap on my shoulder. So I turned around to see ocean blue eyes. Niall.
I was surprised to see him. " hi Bailey, I was wondering... err... If you want to hang out sometime?" I could help but giggle and say "yes I would love to!"
"Okay I'll pick you up at eight?"
"Yeah sure, here's my number!" I tell him my number and I walk off.
I found my friends say in the grass with books in their hands and they look up at me.
"You're later than usually, what happened?" Questions Jaycee. You say " nothing, just got asked out by the hottest boy in the school!!!"
"OMG! Who?" Shouts Eleanor
" only Niall horan!" All my friends faces turn to look worried.
"Bailey why the hell did you say yes, he's a bad boy hell only use you!"
"Omg calm down if you can't support my answer I'll just go!" I reply.
I start to walk off when the school bell goes off  for the end if lunch. I start to walk to my next lesson geography. Shoot I forgot Nialls in my class! As I walked into class he as already sat down, I felt his eyes upon me. I say down trying not to give eye contact.
I really want to go on the date with Niall but will I lose my friends????

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