Chapter 2~

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I really needed my friends to support my answer and to not be mad at me, i understand that they are looking out for me but they still should be my support system. After i walked away from them all a lunch i went to my next lesson English to read my book and eat my lunch away from everyone and everything. I enjoyed reading books because it was me and the book nobody else to bother me, lets just say it is my escape root. I love reading Romance, Drama and Murder mystories, my mum says i could solve a murder with all the knowlegde i get from the amount of books i read.

Once the bell went my heart sunk to the ground when i noticed both my best friend Eleanor was in my lesson and so was Niall. Great. Good job i was right at the back of the classroom and can literally see the whole class, Eleanor was right next to me but on the other row of students and Nialls was at the other end of the room but i could see him perfectly. Eleanor walked into the room and i avoided eye contact with her because one i was still angry and two it is too awkward. Then not soon after Niall turned up and again for the second time today i avoided eye contact with him like i did with Eleanor. I was angry at him and that all that has happened but the fact i wish everything could be different and easier.

I heard Eleanor sit down slowly and put her bags down under her table, then i glanced over at Niall and he was already staring at me. He must of seen the sad look in my eyes when i tried to smile at him when he mouthed over the classroom "Are you ok?" he looked worried. I nodded my head and returned back with a big smile and started listening to the teacher for our instructions. "Right ladies and gents, we are carrying on going over the book Animal farm and writing notes down in your book, partner voices and make sure you are still getting on with your work" She smiled and sat behind her desk thats when the silence broke in the classroom and conversations were beginning. "Psssh"i heard from the side of me but i pretend i didnt and got on with my work as if it didnt happen. "Bailey? Please talk to me" Eleanor said in a sad voice.

"What? What do you want to have a go at me again because i am fed up of it Elle" i said unhappily. I made eye contact with her and caught Niall looking at me in the corner of my eye but decided to ignore it. " No I'm sorry Bailey, I reacted in the wrong way and i shouldnt of had a go at you. It's just that i don't want you to get hurt and be depressed again after your last boyfriend" I rolled my eyes at her "Elle I'm fine, i know that you are there for me and i want to thank you but please just let me see how it goes then you can get involved" i smiled which made Eleanor laugh.

"So we are good now?" She questioned with a blank face, "Yes i suppose so" i rolled my eyes then winked jokingly at her. "Good, keep me updated after tonight ok?" she smirked. "I dont know if we are going to hang out tonight, he hasnt texted me yet" i said with a sad expression then i looked over at him and he was still looking at me through the corner of his eyes. He must of notice i was looking at him because he pointed at his phone and said "Check it quick" while winking at me, i tried not to smile so i quickly looked at pocket and got my phone out.

Niall- Hi do you want to come around to mine tonight and hang out? :)

Me- What basically meet your parents then?! xD

Niall- Don't be silly, just us two and we will watch some movies and eat too :)

Me- Sounds good, i'll let my mum know that i will come home about 10

Niall- Okay, i'll meet you after school love :) Can't wait :)

I smiled and I think Eleanor saw that I did then asked "So I guess you are then? Keep me updated babe!" She said excitingly. Oh my.. I am so nervous it is unreal.. What if he doesn't like me.. What if I'm not good enough..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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