Part 13

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Songs to listen to for this chapter:

1. Drag Me Down by One Direction

2. Somethings Gotta Give by All Time Low

3. 18 by One Direction (2 1D songs bc 1D af)

(Part 13)

I spent the rest of my day with Ella and Rachel. Even though it's the first day we met, I've already gotten used to them. It seems like we've always knew each other. They kinda look like someone I know. Maybe they're related to him? I don't know.

"Okay so truth or dare Ella?" Rachel asks.

Ella tapped on her chin.

"Dare," she says with a smirk.

"I dare you to find a cute guy in the park and ask for a picture with him!"

Me and Rachel bursted out laughing.

"What! Oh come on really? You're really going to make me do this?"

Rachel nodded her head, still laughing with me.

"Oh fine."

She got up and started to walk around the park.

"So Mackenzie, what do you like to do for fun? Play any sports? Hobbies?" Rachel asks.

"Well I like writing. If that counts?" I say.

"Of course it does! I like writing too. I even take community writing classes at Villa West. It's completely free if your interested."

"Wow really? That's really cool. Maybe I'll think about it. Where is Villa West?"

She points.

"Just right up the road from here. Not far at all. It's a good class. It's pretty fun too!"

I smile.

"Well maybe I'll talk to my brother, Harry about it. The chances are he'll say yes."

She nods.

"Good! Then we can write together. It's gonna be great. Trust me."

"So, anyone in the class I should worry about or anything? Anybody mean there?" I asked nervously.

"Nope. Everyones pretty nice. And there's cute guys there too," she said with a wink.

"Oh god!" I laugh.

I think I may relate to Rachel more than I do Ella. But I still like Ella a lot. They don't seem different from each other but it's just something about her. It just seems like a big difference. I don't know.

(Harry's POV)

I told Liam to drop me off at Midnight Falls. I wanted to see how Mackenzie was doing. I also have her banana...

As I walked up the trail a girl approached me.

"Hi. I know this sounds weird but can I get a picture? My sister and my friend is making me do this for a dare," she says.

"Haha I understand. Sure!" I say.

She looked so familiar.

We got in a picture. I looked good...what? I can see the picture on her phone.

"Thanks!" She says running off.

I continued walking on the trail.

Honestly she looked familiar! I just can't put my finger on who she might be. But I have to know her from somewhere.

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