Chapter 1

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Okay guys! this is a new story that I have been working on for a while and I really hope you like the plot. (And yeah, The main character is kinda based off of me, and some of my original characters will be people I know in real life) So without further ado, please enjoy Tess the Project!

"I'm going to pick up daddy, I'll be home in about half an hour. Your brothers are at Aiden's house so your alone until then. I'm locking the doors" Tess's step-mom told her.

"Okay Megan. Can I have a snack?" Tess asked. She already knew what her answer was going to be though.

"Yeah. I'll be back soon, sweetie. Be good" Megan said. Tess nodded.

Megan walked out the door and locked it. Tess decided she would make a bowl of popcorn and read a bit. She got her favorite book, Keeper Of The Lost Cities, and sat down on the couch. She turned on the TV for background noise, put on her blue, wide-rimmed glasses and pushed back her multicolored hair behind her ear when she heard a knock at the door. She quietly got up and peeked out the window. There was a group of oddly familiar people on her front porch. They looked about her age. She decided to open the door and when she did, she did not expect what she saw.

"Hi, is this Tess Keegan's house?" The blonde girl asked. Tess nodded.

"Great. Finally we got the right house" the blonde boy said.

"Uh come inside" Tess said. She gestured for them to come inside. She noticed that they weren't wearing their regular clothes. They were dressed like humans.

"Oh, sorry. We should probably introduce ourselves. I'm-" the black haired boy started. He was cut off by Tess.

"Fitz Vacker. And your Keefe Sencen, Sophie Foster and Dex Dizznee. Is Biana vanished, by any chance?" Tess asked. Her question was answered when Biana appeared out of thin air.

"How did you know I could vanish?" Biana asked.

"More importantly, how did you know our names?" Keefe added.

Tess bit her lip and glanced at the book on her coffee table. The cover had Sophie, Keefe and Silveny on it. She snapped her fingers and the book disappeared without them noticing.

"That's besides the point. Why are you guys here?" Tess asked.

"We're here to tell you that-" Fitz started, but he was cut off again. This time, by the microwave beeping.

"Oh. I have to get that" Tess said. Then she snapped her fingers and the bag of popcorn appeared on the coffee table. She snapped again and a bowl appeared. She opened the bag with telekinesis and poured the contents into the bowl, all without touching the bag or bowl.

"Okay. As you were saying?" Tess said.

"You are an elf" Sophie said.

"I know that. I've been reading emotions since I was three, Minds since four, and when I was five, I snapped my fingers and things would just appear. I can also do this" Tess said. She breathed out and an icicle appeared in her hand.

"Okay. What other abilities do you have?" Keefe asked.

"Yeah, this is gonna sound weird, but I have all of the abilities" Tess said, sheepishly.

"Even pyrokinesis?" Fitz asked.

Yes. "No. And thank goodness. It is a forbidden talent" Tess said. They didn't need to know that she can create fire. That is her secret. Not even the council can know.

"Okay. Show us what you can do" Keefe said. She dissapeared. Then reappeared. Biana squealed. She didn't expected that. Then she blew into the air and created a mini tornado. She got rid of that and created Aurora Borealis in her living room. Then she spoke in Portuguese "I am a polyglot, too". She looked at her dog and the dog did a backflip. She walked through her coffee table.

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