nice pajamas

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this was just a short little drabble that i wrote while i was bored in class lmao. i'm working on a pretty long fic involving these two at the moment, and after i finish that i have an anderperry one i plan on writing. if you have any requests hmu! i love writing for this fandom!! (also ignore any typo's. i wrote this in class and wasn't even planning on publishing this lmao)


If anyone asked it totally wasn't Steven's fault that he ended up in some stranger's room at three a.m. Honestly. 

Okay, so maybe he shouldn't have said his roommate, Neil, could have his boyfriend, Todd, over. Maybe then it wouldn't be three a.m and he wouldn't have to deal with the two of them being so in love and just ugh. Maybe then the ginger would actually be able to concentrate. Maybe then he wouldn't be sitting outside his room, on the floor, trying to finish an English essay that was due the next day. 

Steven sets the laptop that he was typing away on next to him on the floor behind him, and rubs his eyes with the hems of his over sized  gray sweatshirt. He lets out a quiet laugh once he realizes how ridiculous he must look, in his monster university pajama bottoms and his sweatshirt that seemed to be twenty sizes too big for him, sitting on the floor in the middle of the hallway. The time on his phone say three twenty eight, and he internally groans. He has a Anatomy lecture at eight the next morning, and the paper isn't even halfway done. 

The boy hears footsteps and his dark eyes glance up in panic. Of course, someone just had to seem him like this. And of course it just happened that that someone was that cute guy in the dorm across the hall.

shit shit shit. oh god what does he do? he can't just go back to his room, what with the two lovebirds in there. oh god, he probably still smells like pizza from earlier.

He looks up at the guy ( Steven thinks his name is Charlie?? ), and smiles sheepishly. The dark haired boy is standing there with this cute as

"Come here often?"The guy asks, the smirk still fully on his lips. It's the first thing Steven's ever heard him say, and he is hooked.

Steven allows himself to laugh, a hue of red appearing on his freckled cheeks. "Oh totally. I mean, who doesn't? Just look how turnt this place is." He gestures to the quiet empty hallway around him, a smirk of his own forming on his lips.

"Yeah I can tell. You must be so cool." The brunette remarks, sarcastically. Steven decides he likes him.  "I'm Charlie by the way." So Steven was right about his name. He can't tell if that's a good thing.

"Steven." He smiles up at Charlie, completely forgotten their situation.

"So uh, what are you doing out here?" Charlie asks him, raising an eyebrow. Steven stares at him blanking before going, oh, and blushing yet again.

"My roommate had his boyfriend over, and I needed to concentrate on this paper. It's due tomorrow." He explains, sheepishly. He looks down at his pajamas, and internally cringes at himself. 

Charlie nods sympathetically. "You could come in my room if you want. Although, I wouldn't want you to miss just how amazing this party is." He chuckles, and Steven notices he looks almost nervous?

The ginger nods, his smile widening as he stands up. What's the worst that could happen?

"Nice pajama's by the way, Monster's Inc was my shit as a kid."Charlie says, leading Steven into his dorm room. 

Steven just grins.

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