The Kiss?

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Heyy awesome readers i'm soo so sorry that i haven't been updating in a while, i've been really busy, forgive me sooo i hope this chapter makes up for it. Enjoy xoxo_Dajanae btw you guys should watch the video above its so nice made me cry a little though.

Brittany's POV

I was about to leave when one of Santana's friends stopped me, she gave me san's new number and said to call her when i can. To say i was stunned was an understatement, one minute im about to confess my love for the latina and the next i was about to fight her girlfriend. As i drove back to the house that's the only thing that was on my mind.

Santana's POV

We walk into our apartment and i head towards the living room with dani following in suite. I stop and turn towards her.

"What the hell was that Dani?" She scoffed.

"I should be asking the same question Santana." She nearly yelled, i cant deal with this anymore.

"All i was doing was talking to brittany while waiting for my order but you as usual have to come in and make a big thing out of nothing and i'm sick of it, this was the last straw Dani i cant- no i won't do this anymore."

"What are you saying Santana?"

" I'm saying i cant take this anymore, you don't own me Dani, We're over." It was silent, i made eye contact with dani and saw hurt in her eyes but thought nothing of it, i was hurt but not for the same reason. i never really loved dani, i liked her but couldn't say that i was in love, i feel like it makes me a bad person if i say that I'm glad its over.

" I think you should leave." I say calmly in a quiet voice, i look up and she doesn't even acknowledge me, she turns around and before i know it i hear the sound of the front door slamming.

Brittany's POV
I walked into the house and saw kitty sitting on the couch, she must have came back here when all the commotion at the cafe started.

"That was some scene back there." She says laughing.

"I'm sorry kitty I didn't expect that to happen, I was shocked to be honest." She nodded smiling.

"Its cool I've witnessed worse." I smiled back at her.

"So what's in the bag." I giggled as she pointed to the brown bag in my hand eagerly.

"Food and hot chocolate coffee is overrated." She chuckled.

"I couldn't agree more." I walked over to her.

"So how bout a movie day, let's just hang." She nodded.

"Yeah sounds fun." I smiled for the umpteenth time today, I think me and kitty are gonna be really good friends.

--- 4 hours later ---
We've been watching a smallville marathon and I can honestly say that I've had so much fun just hanging with kitty today.

"Hey Britt I got to get going, I have classes later on." Classes?

"I didn't know you took classes, what for?" She smiled.

"Brittany I'm 23, no I'm not underaged I'm just taking some classes to start off my fashion career." Fashion huh, wow I thought to myself.

"So I'm friends with a fashionista now." I giggled wiggling my eyebrows causing her to laugh.

"And I'm friends with a dancer, I'll see you soon." She said as she gathered her things heading towards the door turning around waving before she left. I smiled to myself feeling happy to have made a new friend, it was late but not that late so I decided to walk to the park and look out into the lake.

----30 minutes later ----
As I get closer to my favorite spot in the park I see the back of someone's head, long dark curls which look oddly familiar, I approached the mystery girl and stood next to the bench.

"Is this seat taken?" I say and she shakes her head, I sit down next to her and we sat in silence until I hear her sniffle.

"Hey are you okay, why are you out here all alone?" I ask putting a hand on her back supportively, she turned around and I gasped.


"Brittany."she says just below whisper with tears streaming down her face, I instantly went into protection and concerned mode.

"San what's the matter?" She sighs wiping her cheeks.

"I broke up with Dani today and she's been terrorizing me, I show up to work and was about to get fired for an unknown reason until i saw the inappropriate photo shopped pictures of me sent to the boss and his executive. I would never do that, I don't know what's next I don't think I can handle it Brittany." She cried.

"Shhh, its okay san I'm here." I soothed, I've got to do something about Dani. I looked into Santana's glossy eyes and wipped her tears away.

"San you're beautiful, smart, and one hell of a fighter." I paused seeing the small smile on her lips.

"Don't let Dani bring you down with her idiotic antics, I know that if she succeeds at knocking you down you'll get back up even stronger than before. You are the most brave and amazing woman I have ever had the privilege of meeting. So what if Dani tries to sabotage you, I know that Now you'll be alert and will always be one step ahead of her cause I mean come on let's face it she isn't that smart." I smirked cause a giggle to erupt from her.

"So let that beautiful smile of yours show and keep your head up high. She won't get far with her stupidity but the only way you're going is up." I smiled stroking her cheek.

"Thank you Brittany, I've never hears such sweet words from anyone and I never thought the Brittany pierce had a soft side." She chuckled lightly pinching my cheeks causing me to blush.

"Oh and who knew she could blush." She laughed causing me to blush even harder. As her laughter died down, there was a comfortable silence, I looked into her beautiful chocolate brown orbs as she stared into my blue ones. I couldn't help but start to lean in, the urge I had to feel her lips against mine was unbearable. She began to lean in meeting me half way. We got closer and closer until our lips finally met sparks immediately erupting around us, the world suddenly didn't matter as we moved in sync, this is really happening I thought, I'm kissing Santana, for real this time. Smiled.

Hey guys vote, comment, tell me what ya think. Love you guysssss thanks for reading and thanks for loving my story lmao you guys bring me joy which makes me love to write e even more. Well later my awesome readers loyalty out xoxo

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