Chapter 2

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(A.N) Hey guys! Thanks for reading my story! Sorry it took so long to update ;3; My images of Thalia and Sebistian are above(just Thalia needs black hair) If you pictured them different thats cool too ^-^ Well without further ado, Chapter 2!

~Sebistian's P.O.V~
(Still at bar)
Holy shit. Holy...fucking...SHIT! I couldn't believe that just happened. That chick was so cute! This doesn't seem like her kind of place though... I look around seeing people drunk and dancing like idiots. I laugh as i see a guy denied by a chick and trips and falls. Sigh, i better get out of here and text Thalia. I just hope she will meet some of my requirements...i finish my beer and walk out of the bar and jump into my car. I pull out my phone and send a message to Thalia.

~Thalia's P.O.V~
(Driving Chole home)

I hear my phone ring in my bag behind me and giggle. That must be Sebistian! I safely, and quickly drop Chole back at her house and drive over to my apartment. As soon as i park the car i grab my bag and look at my phone.
"Hey there cutie ;)"
I smiled and replied back
"Heyyyy ^-^ Sorry it took so long to respond i was driving"
I get out of my car and walk up the steps and go into my room.
I changed out of my outfit into my pj's. I wore a giant purple sweater and pink shorts. My sweater had a giant kitty on it and was adorable. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and brushed my teeth. As soon as i put my brush down i heard my phone. I ran over to check who it was.
*New message from Sebistian❤️*
"Hahah it's fine....sooooo hey would you like to go out on a date with my on friday? I really want to learn more about you :)"
I blushed a quickly replied,
"Sure i would love to!"
"Great! Just text me your address and i will pick you up at 6! And be sure to bring a swimsuit ;) I'm gonna pass out but i will text you tomorrow! Goodnight cutie."
I crawled into bed and replied smiling,
"Goodnight and i can't wait!"
I smiled and snuggled with my stuffed bunny and slowly drifted of to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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