Finding the Truth/Battle in the Laboratory

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Once we're back at East City, Edward convinces Major Armstrong to go to the library where the note told us Marcoh's research is located in. But there's one teeny tiny problem...


"Crap..." I say. "Ed, what now?"

"I don't know," Edward quiets down. He steps inside and grabs a book, which disintegrates in his hands like pure dust. "It's all ashes now."

"Maybe we should head to central," I say. "There's an archive there that could do the trick."

"Are you sure?" His face lightens with a bit of hope.

"Yeah," I say. "I don't know where it is exactly, but we could ask, right?"

Edward stands up. "It sounds good to me."

A car parks just on the road outside the burned down library, and two soldier step out. One of them is a woman, with short black hair and small blue eyes. The other one is a man with dirty blond hair.

"Major Armstrong, sir!" They say at the same time and salute.

Edward, Alphonse, and I salute them back, as well as Armstrong. 

"Your presence is required in central command," the woman says (she is later introduced as Liutenant Ross).

"We'll be in charge of the Elrics right now," the man says.

"Seriously?" Edward whispers to me. "Now we're always getting bodyguards?"

"It's getting old, isn't it?" I answer to him.

"Very well," Armstrong says. "Elrics. Alice. We shall see each other soon."

"Sure," I say.

He leaves, and Liutenant Ross and the other soldier offer us a ride to Central as well.

"Excuse me," I say.

"What is it?" the man, Brosch, says.

"We were wondering if we could go to the library archive in Central," I say. "We need to look up some things and the library where our first option was is burned to the ground."

"Hm," Ross says. "I suppose you can have a look. I mean, there is someone in there that could help you."

"Great!" I say.

"Come to think of it," Brosch says, "Alphonse, why are you wearing a suit of armor?"

Edward and Alphonse panic. "Eh--It's nothing! It's a hobby!"

Both of the soldiers exchange looks and start to whisper to each other about how strange we are.

I giggle nervously as the boys pretend to admire the view outside.


We get to the library in Central Command, which is a small space filled with lots and lots of books. A bit of hope stirs inside me that we will find what we're looking for. We walk inside asking if someone is there, but no one answers. Then, we faintly hear someone crying for help.

Alphonse lifts a pile of books off of a woman, with short brown hair and big eyes. "Thank you! I thought I was going to suffocate in there!"

We take her to a more open part in the library so that she can calm down. Edward and I exchange looks when we consider the time right.

He hands her the note. "We were wondering if you have these notes here."

She looks at it and her eyes lighten up. "Yes! I remember reading them in the Central Library!"

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