"Let It Begin..."

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"I'm not sure if I look okay". Aaliyah whined to Daniel. They were dressed and ready to go out to meet his friends, but Aaliyah was being iffy about her outfit.

"Liyah you look beautiful, I don't know why your getting all dramatic". Daniel said grabbing his keys. Aaliyah sighed and grabbed her purse, following behind.

"Bye Daddy, bye Renee".

"Bye mommy, bye Daniel".

"Bye peanut". Daniel said and closed the door. Renee turned to Curtis and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Do I have to take phone or no?". She asked sternly.

"Daniel are you sure about this?". Aaliyah asked while he drove to Olive Garden.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you look fine, stop stressing". Daniel reassured her and softly placed his hand on her thighs. Aaliyah softly bit her lip at the gesture and closed her eyes to contain herself. Daniel on the other hand knew exactly what he was doing by holding her thigh, he smiled widely at the fact that she was enjoying it.

While they were on there way, Kelly was also on her way. She made sure to apply a little extra makeup just so Daniel can maybe notice her a little. Fact is, Kelly is a plus sized beauty. She weighs at least one hundred and ninety pounds, if not then more. She often believes that her weight would cause Daniel to not see her as anything more than a friend, so she doesn't push her lucky, but tonight she plans on going a little further and expressing her feelings for him.

She arrived earlier than Daniel and entered the building, spotting Craig, Jacob and Trevor. She walked over to them and greeted them with a hug.

"Wassup niggas?". She said taking a seat.

"Damn Kelly, yo booty gettin bigger everyday". Trevor said laughing.

"Man shut up". Kelly laughed as well.

"Man where's diggy". Jacob complained.

"Probably beatin his meat". Craig joked, causing every body to laugh. Immediately after Daniel walked in alongside Aaliyah, everyone's eyes landed on her making Aaliyah quite uncomfortable.

"Gawd damn". Jacob awed at Aaliyah.

"Who is that?". Craig asked capturing the attention of Kelly, she turned her head at Daniels direction and saw Aaliyah. Her already low self esteem plumit to her feet when she saw how pretty Aaliyah was. She kept her head low as they approached the table.

Aaliyah smiled as Daniel greeted everyone.

"Everybody this is Aaliyah, Aaliyah these are my niggas". Daniel laughed.

"Waddup I'm Trevor, but you can call me TJ". Trevor said shaking her hand.

"I'm Craig and this idiot right here is Jacob". Craig said pointing to Jacob who was munching away on bread sticks.

"And this is Kelly?". Daniel asked, usually Kelly would be the energetic and bubbly one but seemed awfully quiet.

"Hi". Aaliyah slightly waved at Kelly, but Kelly avoided her gaze. Everyone stared at Kelly in confusion, it wasn't like her her to be rude.

"Okay". Aaliyah drawed out and dropped her hand.

"So, you two are just friends right?". Trevor asked getting close to Aaliyah. Daniel wrapped his hand around Aaliyahs shoulder and pulled her close to his chest.

"Mine nigga". Daniel warned causing Trevor to put his hands up in surrender.

"Okay let's get friendly". Jacob cheered.

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