Chapter 5: He Started It!!!

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Chapter 5: He Started It!!!

A/N: Thank you guys for all of your support and wonderful comments, thats y i love u and now I will hug you mentally.C: Did you hug back? Hopefully!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!


I walked into school on Monday, everyone staring and giggling at me. Oh yeah, the big ' Nicki's my girlfriend' thing. I sighed. Did he have to do that? He could've chocked me. I side and sat next to Keisha, another friend of mine.

" It's the black girl who dates a white nigga. Congrats."

" Congrats on what? I hate it."

" Well, he's powerful. Is that any good?"

" Not good enough." I took out my notes and Mrs. Hynes cleared her throat.

" Why are you here, Nicki?"

" I need my education some how."

" That's not it. You now go to Apraham Academy." What?! " You know, that rich bratty school. You got exchanged there during the weekend."

" By who!?" I stood up, shouting.

" Mr. Morrison." No no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!

Now he's taking over my life!!!


" Travis said it'll be good for you to get rid of all of your hoodiness." Hoodiness? His Dad organized some more paper work. " You're dismissed." I left his office, going upstairs to Travis's room.

I opened the door and looked at the shirtless boy, gawking at his six pack.

Well atleast there's one thing to like about him.

" What?" He spoke coldly, sliding a white nike tshirt on.

" Why did you switch my schools!?"

" Looking at you shaking your ass in front of people made me sick. You need to go some place where classy people will have an affect on you."

" Like hoes and sluts?Or should I say, classy hoes and sluts?"

" Just shut the hell up and do what I tell you, unless you want me to slap you." He got irritated and logged off of his laptop.

" You wanna go to war!? I could totally go-"

" With war? Think about it." He interruped me.

He was right.

Going to war with him was pretty impossible since he was majorly powerful. I sighed.

" I just can't leave all of my friends."

" Make new ones."

" Listen. If you think you can change me, you can't!"

" Oh yes I can. Also, you're gonna be staying in that area, by yourself." What? I'm only seventeen and now I have to live by myself!? I growled.

" No, you can't do that!"

"Watch me."


There I was, isolated in a tiny Villa, in a room with all my suit cases. Tears filled my eyes. No friends, family, although I hated them anyway, and no twerking! I sighed and saw there was an apple laptop on the desk. I went to it, opening it. I clicked on internet explorer, yuck, and went to facebook.

Which Was Blocked.

I tried everything else, even Myspace and it was all block. I checked youtube, my last hope, which was open. I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes. I decided to listen to Trust And Believe by Keyshia Cole while unpack.

" Trust and Beliveeeee meee!!!! I'm so over you, go get lost, boy, I don't know who you think you are!" I sung bodly while packing my closet by hanging up shirts, pants, belts, purses, snap backs, beanies, and don't forget filling the shoe rack with my Jordans, Nikes, Heels, sandals, wedges, and Adidas. I know I have swag, okay? After I was done, I took a shower and did my weave. I had black ang gold wavy curls in like usual.

She looks like the girl on the cover pretty much. But anyways, Thats a picture of Nicki------>

I decided to wear my all white Nikes, my light blue torn skinnies that had a faded look, that I liked alot, I threw on my black V neck, and some large silver hoops to match my silver chain. I walked over to the laptop and played funny moments from Boondocks. I laughed. Riley is my favorite character. I then heard the door open. I sighed.


Great the boy who started it!

To be continued....TEEHEE. I'm lazy, it's friday night, and I dont know about you, but I'm feeling 22. x3

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